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Species Description- Water Arum
Calla palustris

Water Arum
Water Arum
Calla palustris
Monroe County, NY

    Also known as Wild Calla, the Water Arum is closely related to the florist's variety and the inflorescence is similar.  Although florist's refer to Callas as lilies they are not members of the lily family.  Lilies have six equal petals on one flower where Arums are classified by the spathe and spadix arrangement of its flower base.  Water Arum is easily recognized by its large heart shaped leaves and its diagnostic flowers.  There is a white spathe surrounding the tall knob-shaped spadix of green flowers.  Like Skunk Cabbage Water Arum grows in boggy, wet areas, but Water Arum prefers wetter habitats than Skunk Cabbage.  It often grows right in the stagnant water.  Not an uncommon plant, but it can be somewhat local.  Blooms in mid to late spring.

Water Arum
Water Arum
Calla palustris
Monroe County, NY