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Species Description- Yellow Iris
Iris psuedacoris

Yellow Iris
Yellow Iris
Iris psuedacoris
Genesee County, NY

***NY- Introduced***

    Yellow Iris is a member of the Iris Family and is closely related to the gardener's plant.  In fact it was attempts at cultivation of this exotic plant that led to its introduction to New York State.  Yellow Irises are a common marshland plant.  It is often seen growing in cattail marshes, stream banks, and the edges of ponds or lakes.  Blooming in spring and early summerYellow Iris is easily recognized by its large (to 4") yellow flowers and long skinny green leaves.  The flowers are actually made up of 3 sepals and 3 petals, the sepals being the large showy part of the flower and the petals are the small erect inner parts of the flower.  There are many native Irises in New York State.  The native varieties all have blue or purple flowers and are smaller than Yellow Iris.  There are several species of Blue Flag and are all found in wet places.