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Species Description- Beaver
Castor canadensis

Castor canadensis
Tompkins County, NY

***NY- Game Species***

    One of the most recognized of the wildlife in NY is the Beaver.  With their large flat tail, buckteeth, and fondness for chewing trees they have made their way into cartoons and other denizens of popular culture.  Beaver are the largest rodents in the US.  Large specimens can weigh 80 pounds, although 40 is more like average.  They do chew trees and fell small saplings that they use to dam creeks and small streams.  They also use the saplings for building the lodge in which they raise their young.  Beaver eat the bark of their favorite trees - poplar, maple, aspen, willow and birch - these are also the preferred building materials.  The presence of Beaver is obvious with chewed trees and often the dams and lodge are quite conspicuous.  Themselves Beaver are shy and not usually seen due to their nocturnal habits.  Evening is the best time to view them, and they draw attention to themselves with a forceful slap of their tail on the water.  The noise is loud enough to be heard at a considerable distance and is believed to be a warning to other Beaver that there is danger about.
    Beaver fur was once very important and expensive, trapping almost eliminated the Beaver from much of its range.  With protection and the fall in the price of fur, Beaver populations have rebounded to the point that they are pests in many areas.