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Species Description- Striped Skunk
Mephitis mephitis

Striped Skunk
Striped Skunk
Mephitis mephitis
Monroe County, NY

***NY- Game Species***

    The most loathed and feared animal in New York State.  Skunks are actually quite common in the state and have benefited by the presence of man.  They feed in garbage and scrap piles.  The bold black and white stripes of a skunk are a warning to predators.  The odor is enough to keep any predator away, but they seldom need to resort to that.  When threatened a skunk stomps its feet, stamp and raise its hind legs, and make clicking noises with its teeth, but surely the most frightening step in a skunk's defense display is to hold its tail completely upright and turn the rump toward the enemy.  This is usually enough, but the skunk does not hesitate to shoot its musk.  The oily spray can carry up to fifteen feet and the odor carries up to a mile.  They are omnivorous and basically eat anything they find.
    Although mostly nocturnal they can be found during the day.  Skunks are one of the major carriers of rabies in the US and all individuals should be left alone.  The only major predator is the Great Horned Owl which has a poorly developed sense of smell.