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Species Description- Weasel (Unknown Species)
Mustela sp.

Weasel (species unknown)
Mustela sp.
Monroe County, NY

***NY- Game Species***

    Small, slinky carnivores, Weasels are a common, if seldom seen, member of the northern woods.  They feed mainly on mice, but also take chipmunks, shrews, rabbits, and birds (yes they will take chickens, sometimes.)  They are quite agile and squirrel-like in climbing ability, although they hunt mainly on the ground.  Weasels den in hollow logs, fallen brush, under large boulders, stone walls, etc. and there will be several entrances.  They do vocalize and have a series of grunts, hisses, and screams.  Both New York Weasels (Long-tailed Weasel and Ermine) turn white in winter -the white fur is highly prized for clothing.
   Our two species of Weasel can be told apart by size and color, but may be quite difficult to distinguish in the field.  Long-tailed Weasels are the larger of the two, males can reach 22" long, and have brown tops to the feet in summer.  Ermine (Short-tailed Weasel) are smaller (males to 11") and have white feet.  In summer the feet are a giveaway, but size is difficult as males are twice the size of females-- a large male Ermine is the same size as a small female Long-tailed Weasel.