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Series Description- Garter Den
Mating and Female Refusal

Garter Snake
Eastern Garter Snakes Mating
Thamnophis s. sirtalis
Monroe County, NY

    Most of the behavior took place under the leaf litter so was difficult to photograph.  Eventually after a few minutes the female tired of the male's antics and began pulling away.  Unfortunatly for him, the tails were still locked.  The above picture shows the female on the right pulling the male to the left.  This all took place within a few feet of a busy trail, me on one side with the snakes just a few feet away, my girlfriend on the other side, and the camera clicking away.  Several people walked by while this was occuring, but none of them seemed to notice.

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Garter Snakes
Eastern Garter Snake
Thamnophis s. sirtalis
Monroe County, NY