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Species Description- House Spider
Achaearanea tepidariorium

House Spider
House Spider with Egg Cases
Achaearanea tepidariorium
Livingston County, NY

    I don't know what's up with that picture.  The spider is suspended in mid-air and the egg cases aren't attached to anything.  Obviously she's attached to a web but it disappeared in the picture.  Spiders are really not the scary things the movies would make them out to be.  It is true they have fangs and venom, and many species use a web to catch their food.  Spiders have eight legs and eight eyes, and are creepy crawly, but the truth is most species do not bite humans, and only a few of those that do have dangerous venom.  There are many more spiders in our dwellings than most of us want to think (those cobwebs don't come out of nowhere) but stay hidden the majority of the time.  Spiders don't really need to eat all that much, a large meal can keep them fed for several weeks.  Egg cases can hold hundreds of young spiders and they hatch all at once, they then quickly disperse to form their own territories.