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Series Description- Rattlesnake Den

Woodland Habitats
Deep Woods
Bradford County, PA

    The most impressive snake in all of New York State has to be the Timber Rattlesnake.  This series highlights a den site found just across the border in Pennsylvania where Timber Rattlers are commonly seen.  They share this habitat with numerous other snake and bird species.  The first photograph, above, shows the road used to access the densite.  Habitat here is characterized by a full canopy, sunlight blocking hardwoods, and a substrate of fallen leaves.  Herbaceous plants are most common along openings, such as the roadway itself.   These openings hold snakes such as Garters, Ringnecks, and Redbellies.  Wood Frogs, Slimy Salamanders, Red Efts, and Redback Salamanders are found in the woodlands themselves.

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Redback Salamander
Redback Salamander
Plethodon cinereus
Bradford County, PA