Widow Skimmer (male)
Libellula luctuosa
Monroe County, NY
Like the Common Whitetail, Widow Skimmer males are
different from females. Males have blue stripes and two dark "saddles"
on the wings and a splash of blue color on the abdomen. Females'
wing color is similar to the males, but the abdomen is a plain brown.
Like all dragonflies, Widow Skimmers are predatory, feeding on a wide variety
of flying insects, including mosquitos. Some even eat other dragonflies.
All spend the larval stage as an aquatic nymph known as a naiad.
These larvae are also predatory, feeding on small fish, mosquito larvae,
and tadpoles. Naiads are a cherished bait item for many fishermen.
Although some species of dragonfly are mostly resident, some are migratory
and gather in the same migration "hot spots" as birds and butterflies.