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Title: Poor Little Rich Boy

Author/pseudonym: Tinnean

Fandom: Love and Human Remains

Pairing: Kane/David

Rating: NC-17, m/m consensual sex, language

Status: New/Complete

E-mail address for feedback:

Series/sequel: Yes, this is part of a series

Other websites: Not yet

Disclaimers: We don't own Kane and David, but we sure do enjoy playing with them. Sigh.

Notes: This is my first attempt at slash fan fiction. Hope everything works the way it's supposed to. :-)

Summary: Ever wished that you could find the perfect man? Kane does.

Warnings: Spoilers for the movie Love and Human Remains. First Time. Underage consensual m/m sex. Kane is only 17 at the start of this story. However, he does turn 18 during the course of the series. In any case, if that kind of thing bothers you, please don't read this story.

Part 1

Kane was not your typical rich kid.

His father had more wealth than God. He spent his days trying to amass more and more of the filthy lucre. Money. He had bought so many toys with it that there was little left to sate his jaded appetite. So now he just accumulated and hoarded, a modern day Midas. He had even lost his taste for the lovely Miss Winstead, his nubile secretary. Every once in a while he would cast a lascivious eye over her, but he just did not have the interest to chase her around his desk anymore.

Kane’s mother was forever seeking the fountain of youth. She jet-setted from one spa to another, frantically trying to halt the progress of time. She was on a first-name basis with the most noted plastic surgeons on the continent. She toyed desperately with men who grew younger and younger as each year passed. Her latest cherub was a youth only a few years older than Kane.

Kane told everyone he was eighteen, but he still lacked a few months until that birthday. A bright student, he had completed his schooling early and now, for the past six months had found himself at loose ends.

He didn’t do drugs. He had tried them in a rare move to get his parents’ attention, but soon realized that nothing he did would redirect their focus from themselves. And he had felt so wretched coming down from the highs, that he wisely concluded that they just weren’t worth the pain.

Then, a few days before, someone had caught his eye as he strolled aimlessly through the city. Something about the smile had tugged at his memory, and he had followed the man as he wended his way through the streets.

The man had entered a restaurant and Kane casually took a seat at one of the tables. But then he had lost sight of him. The tousled dark hair, the teasing smile. Where had he seen them before?

A waiter had come to his table and asked if he was ready to order. Kane had looked up and grown still. There was the vision he had been trailing! And suddenly it clicked.

He was Toby! Of all the TV shows that Kane had watched as a child, The
Beavertons was his favorite! In a family that couldn’t be bothered with teaching him acceptable behavior, that program had shown him what he wanted to be. In a family that offered no role models, Toby pointed the way to the character traits he most wanted to possess! Alone in a house filled with servants who cared for him, but not about him, Toby and Sandy and Amy had become his family.

Almost breathless, he had managed to whisper a request for a hamburger and fries., the actor’s name was David....David McMillan. David had walked away to put in the order and bring him a soda, and Kane had avidly watched him, feeling himself grow warm.

Suddenly he had a purpose.

He was going to get to know David.

Part 2

Kane toyed with his hamburger. How could he strike up a conversation with
his idol?

A tray of dishes fell with a crash. Food splattered, drinks splashed, silverware clanked in discord. An angry bus boy was ripping off his red jacket. “I don’t need this crap, man. I don’t need the lousy tips you give me. I am so out of here!”

With that, the disgruntled youth stormed out of the restaurant.

And just like that, Kane found the means necessary to be near Toby... No, he had to remember his name was David.

He slid out of his booth and walked quietly to the manager of the bistro. “Excuse me, sir. I couldn’t help but overhear that. If you should need a replacement, I’d be more than happy to volunteer.”

The frazzled manager looked at the young man standing composedly under his scrutiny. The kid was well-dressed, classy, but not flashy. His clothes screamed ‘wealth’. Why would he want to work at such a menial position?

Then he realized he didn’t care. The weekend was coming, the busiest time for this restaurant. He needed a replacement, fast.

“Kid, you got yourself a job! You can fill out an application after your shift. Here,” he thrust the jacket at him. “See if this fits you."

"David, you have a new busboy!”

Part 3

Kane was in despair. The longer he worked with David, the more he saw him as David and no longer as Toby, the character he had played. And the more he saw him as David, the more he ....liked him.

The problem was, David didn’t seem to have any feelings whatsoever for his busboy. Oh sure, David had taken him to meet a friend, who just happened to be a psychic dominatrix. They had gotten him stoned on what he first thought was cocaine, but soon discovered was heroin. He had passed out on Benita’s bed, and had had the most delicious dream.


David was trapped in a burning building. The heat was fierce. Flames blazed, casting a fitful light in the night. The windows exploded out as fire raced up the drapes, consuming them as if they were paper. David called helplessly for someone to come to his aid. The hair on his hands was singed as he tried to force the uncomfortably hot door open. But it would not budge.

Falling back in dismay, David cried out. “Someone, save me, please!”

Suddenly, a miraculous figure appeared! Clad in a helmet and the coat and overalls of a fearless firefighter, his knight in shiny fireman’s gear came to the rescue. David could not see his face, but wept with gratitude when he was swept up into the fireman’s strong arms. Bursting through the heat and the soot, sweat pouring down his handsome face, the rescuer carried David out into the cool, soothing night air. The soft breeze felt wonderful on his overheated skin.

David snuggled in the arms of the one who had saved him from such a horrid  fate. "My hero,” he whispered as he stroked the boyishly smooth skin of his savior’s face. He sighed softly, content to be in those arms.

Away, further away he was carried, past the din of the fire trucks, past the shouts of the men struggling to extinguish the blaze, past the heat and the wet.

At last they came to a dimly lit, secluded bit of parkland. Gently, his rescuer set him down on the sweet-smelling grass. Tossing aside his oxygen mask and helmet, the stalwart firefighter leaned over David, stroking the damp hair back from his brow. An errant moonbeam revealed his hero to be Kane! Kane, who worked daily by his side, content with crumbs from the table of David’s affection. Kane, who asked for nothing more than a friendly smile. Kane, who would die for him, kill for him, be whatever David wanted him to be!

“Oh, Kane, I was so blind! All this time I have been looking for my best beloved, and you have always been there, at my side!” David buried his face in his hands and wept bitterly for the lost, the wasted time.

Kane shrugged out of his gear and stood before David like a young Michelangelo, naked in the moonlight.

“David,” he told him gently, “it’s all right. I forgive you!”

David threw his arms around Kane’s sturdy legs and hugged him fiercely. “I’ll make it right, I swear it!” he vowed, looking up at the handsome youth. Then he gasped at the beauty of Kane’s manhood, which rose majestically before him. He brushed his lips along the inside of Kane’s thigh, against the smooth, tender skin of his thigh. Rising to his knees, he pressed fevered kisses closer and closer to Kane’s arousal.

Kane’s long fingers wound in David’s thick, dark hair, urging his head to where they both wanted it to be. “Kane!” David panted. “Kane!” Hesitantly, he touched his tongue to the tip of Kane’s hard flesh, tasting the drop of dew that beaded there. Then his lips engulfed him, seeking to take all of him into his mouth.

Unable to catch his breath, David was forced to pull away, dragging deep mouthfuls of air into his starving lungs. Kane’s legs were no longer able to support him, after the loving onslaught of David’s lips and teeth and tongue. He sank to the grass, as desperate for oxygen as David.

But David would not let him be. His fingers replaced his mouth, dancing up and down the length of Kane’s erection. Breath whistled quickly past Kane’s parted lips, followed by soft whimpers and moans.

From somewhere he heard a sweet voice say, “Booze, and junk, and he still gets hard!”

And then he felt as if the world was coming to an end. His heart pounded violently, his legs trembled, and his body poured forth the essence of life.

“David!” he whispered, and then sank so deeply into sleep that even dreams could not find him.

Part 4

David was restless. His skin felt as if it were too tight for his body. He couldn’t seem to settle on anything.

He really needed to get laid.

It had been a very long time since he had indulged himself physically; careless couplings had become too dangerous. The odd blow jobs and the familiarity of his own hand had had to suffice, but he wanted the stability of a solid relationship. He wanted a love he could trust, not only with his health, but with his heart.

He *really* needed to get laid. His desire to be inside someone, and have someone inside him in turn, was making him behave badly.

Look what he had subjected Kane to. In spite of himself, he liked Kane. Probably more than was good for either of them. Kane had told him he was eighteen, but Benita had discovered he was still just seventeen.

Christ, the thoughts he was having made him feel like a cradle robber!

Benita had told him that Kane loved him, but when David tried to see him outside of work, Kane became evasive, telling him he had plans he couldn’t get out of.

And now this! Looking down from the upper level of the Palladium, the current popular nightspot, David spotted Kane with his arm around a girl! A really tarty looking girl, at that! She was much to worldly for a sweet kid like Kane! He ought to go down there and just pull him away from the slut!

But what he really wanted to do was pull Kane into his arms and press honeyed kisses onto his mouth, sipping at the treasures within, licking at the smooth tissue lining his mouth, teasing Kane’s tongue with his own.

David felt his eyes glaze over. With a groan, he bolted for the stairs. What was he thinking? The boy was seventeen! He could get arrested!

He was almost out the door when he heard Kane call his name. “David, wait! David please!” But he kept on going, half hoping Kane would follow him, half dreading that he wouldn't.

Outside, in the parking lot, David felt a tentative hand grasp his sleeve. He whirled around to face Kane. The boy looked shame-faced. He shrugged. “Sometimes I just need to get laid,” he murmured plaintively.

“You know something? You're right!” growled David. “And sometimes, so do
I! And that’s just what I’m going to do right now!”

Kane tightened his hold on David’s sleeve. “David, please!” he begged, almost in tears. “Please don’t leave like this.” Taking a deep gulp of air, he took the plunge. “Why don’t you come to my place?”

David touched a gentle fingertip to the tear that clung precariously to Kane’s outrageously long lashes. Then he brought that finger to his mouth, tasting the salty essence of Kane. A delicate tremor shivered through Kane’s body, and he felt himself becoming aroused.

Kane blushed and lowered shame-filled eyes. “No, it’s okay, David. I know you must have people you like better than a stupid kid who just keeps giving you a hard time. But just tell me one thing.”

The beautiful chocolate brown eyes pleaded with him, and David reluctantly acquiesced. “All right, Kane. What do you want to know?”

“Who jerked me off, David?” And he held his breath.

“I did. Who did you think?” But the tone of voice was so cruel.

“You did?” Daring to hope, daring to begin to dream, Kane looked at David with adoration flowing out of him.

Disgusted with himself, David said quietly, “No, it was Benita.” And the disappointment on Kane’s face was too much for him to bear. He sighed. “All right, let’s go back to your place. Where’s your car?”

Kane threw him a dazzling smile and all but danced to a black Porsche parked a short distance away. David shook his head, mocking himself.

“I am definitely tipping you too much!”

Part 5

Kane handled the Porsche with careless ease, maneuvering the black
convertible with casual disregard, glancing often at David.

David sucked in his breath at another near miss. “Christ, Kane! Keep your
goddamn eyes on the road! You’re going to get us killed!”

“Not tonight, David. Tonight I could tilt at windmills!” The wind whipped through his long, chestnut hair, tearing it free from the thong that held it back from his face. Strands blew in front of his eyes. Helpless, David reached out with trembling fingers to gently brush the errant tresses away from that winsome face. Somehow, the motion developed into a caress.

Like a kitten, Kane rubbed his head against the hand that threaded softly through his hair.

“We’re here!” he murmured as he swung the car past a wall that would do credit to a fortress. And still, it took them a good five minutes to actually reach the house. A huge pile, surrounded by luxuriant shrubs and numerous flower beds and towering oaks and maples, it resembled nothing short of a rambling, Tudor-style mansion.

Kane hopped out of the vehicle and waited expectantly for David to emerge as well. Leading up the shadowed walk, where tiny lanterns glittered like fairy lights to illuminate the path, Kane ignored the splendor that was all around him, concentrating instead on the man who held his heart within his hands.

David stared around him, unable not to be impressed. It must take a small army to care for these extensive grounds! A pool appeared beside the path, seeming to reach to the house itself. Moonlight reflected off the crystal blue water, rippled by a scented breeze.

Kane swiped a security card through the electronic lock. “Pretty big, isn’t it?” he asked, referring to his house.

The only response David could find was a dumbfounded, “Yeah!”

A glimmer drew his gaze to the right, and there, within the house itself was the pool! Enormous glass walls on sliders closed out the cool night air, but the flick of a switch could open the room to the outdoors, or, closed, on a winter's day, give the impression of swimming in a snow storm.

David began to feel ill-at-ease.

“Where are your parents, Kane?” he asked.

Kane looked back over his shoulder and shrugged dismissively. “My father's in Hawaii, getting laid.” David heard the irony, but did not understand it. “And I’m not sure which clinic my mother is in this week. The last word was that she was going to try a new sleep cure. Never mind about them! I want to show you something!”

David felt his heart lurch. Was Kane going to become the aggressor? Was he going to attempt a seduction? The notion intrigued him, making him ache in all his empty places. His mouth went dry.

Uncannily, Kane halted in the middle of an entertainment room filled with state of the art VCRs, a wall that held more audio components than the local electronics mart and a sixty inch color TV with stereo speakers and DVD compatibility.

The room was so huge, it comfortably housed a tournament sized pool table off to one side. “David,” he asked, “would you like a drink?”

And David licked his lips, and smiled a slow, lazy smile.

Part 6

David followed Kane into a butler's pantry down the hall from the media room. The pantry, ostensibly the size of his whole apartment, loomed as an additional reminder of just how wealthy Kane’s background was.

From out of an enormous, fully stocked wet bar, Kane pulled out two frosted bottles of designer water and offered one to David. He leaned back against the fridge, watching dry-mouthed as David tilted the bottle to his lips, swallowing the icy liquid, the muscles in his throat working rhythmically. Belatedly, he realized that his hand was cramping from the force of his grip on his own bottle. He twisted off the cap and gulped convulsively, his eyes closed, his thoughts ingoing.

Why was he so jumpy? he asked himself. This was his turf. He knew what he wanted.

Didn’t he?

David lowered the bottle from his lips, which were sheened from the moisture of his drink. He rested a hand on the fridge and leaned closer to Kane, his breath whispering the loose hair around his head. “Just what did you want to show me, Kane?” he asked, nuzzling his ear, then staring into the boy’s bedazzled eyes.

Kane felt himself inclining toward David, and caught himself abruptly, much to David’s disappointment. Licking his lips nervously, he ducked under David’s arm. “It’s back in here,” he said as he bolted from the pantry, back to the entertainment center. “Ummm, why don’t you sit over there,” and he gestured to a black, butter-soft, leather loveseat, just large enough to fit two comfortably. David eyed it with interest as Kane switched on the large-screen TV.

Crouching down to select a video tape, Kane turned to David, to see his gaze lingering on the taut muscles of Kane’s thighs. Involuntarily he blushed, feeling himself stirring and beginning to grow hard. His tongue peeked out to moisten lips that had gone dry, and his breath stuttered in his chest.

“Are you ready?” he asked distractedly.

And David smiled, almost ferally, at him. “Yes.”

Part 7

Kane’s fingers fumbled with the video tape. Then he tore his eyes off David’s mouth and found the slot of the VCR. He slid the tape in and pressed the play button. Taking a deep, surreptitious breath, he rose to his feet and joined David on the loveseat.

Music started and the camera panned on a snowswept mountainscape. Suddenly the logo for The Beavertons appeared on the screen. David froze in disbelief, unable to take his horrified gaze off the images on the TV. Joe Arthur, who had done the voice-overs every week on the show, introduced the smiling faces of Sandy and Amy. And then his own cocky facade filled the screen.

Unable to bear the sight of his younger self, David jerked to his feet. “Shut it off!” he ordered.

Dismayed at the frost that dripped from David’s voice, Kane snapped the remote at the TV and jumped up to hurry after him. David was heading for the door.

“I thought you’d like it!” Kane cried in despair. “I thought it would mean as much to you as it does to me!”

“Oh, what? I should be flattered that you brought Toby back here with you tonight?” David demanded harshly.

“No! It isn’t like that! Not anymore! Don’t go!”

David wheeled to face him. “What do you want from me?”

At the sticking point, Kane backed off. “I just want to be your friend,” he mumbled.

“I don’t need another friend!” David told him fiercely.

Almost too petrified to get the words past his lips, Kane finally managed to ask, “What do you need?”

“I need a lover!” Aghast at what he had said, David whirled around and stalked past the pool table, fully intending to get out of there, never thinking of how he would get home, just knowing that he had to leave. Now.

Kane had come to a stumbling halt. Hesitantly, he said, “I don’t think I’m like that. Gay.” He ducked his head, embarrassed to voice the lie. For David, Kane would be whatever he wanted him to be. Staring helplessly at David’s mouth, he waited in resignation for him to leave, just as everyone else in his life that he loved had left him, sooner or later.

But David was not leaving. “You’re scared of me, “ he announced, “scared of what you’re feeling!”

Kane shook his head, his mouth dry, excitement fizzing in his blood like champagne bubbles. His leather trousers were suddenly too tight, caging an arousal that sought freedom. He took a step closer to the older man. “I’ve never met anyone like you! I want to be like you!”

David snorted. “You want to go from one meaningless one-night stand to another? You want to be stuck in a dead-end job that’s the only thing you’re qualified for?

“You want to be so paralyzed by stage fright that you can’t set foot on a stage without becoming so sick to your stomach that you need to clench your back teeth for fear of spilling your guts in front of everyone?”

Shocked, David locked his lips together, before another truth could come pouring out of the deep recesses he had kept them buried in for what seemed like forever. Surely Kane would be disgusted by the fraud of a man who stood there shuddering in the dim light cast by fixtures that highlighted the fortune in art surrounding them. He waited for him to turn away in distaste.

But Kane took a step toward him, instead. “David,” he whispered.

Anger ripped through David. If the young fool didn’t know that David was all wrong for him, was no good for him, then he’d just have to hammer it home. “Kiss me, Kane!”


“Kiss me!” he ordered.

Uncertain, the younger man wet his lips, then leaned toward David and gently kissed him. Pulling back a whisper, he stared briefly into David’s dark eyes, before his own gaze was drawn helplessly back to David’s mouth. Biting his lip irresolutely, he wondered if he was doing it right, and then forgot about that to pursue the illusive thrill that had swept through him when he touched David.

He kissed him again, at first softly, and then with growing excitement. Openmouthed kisses that spoke of trust and desire. Kisses that plucked at lush lips. Kisses that caressed them, trying to tease David’s tongue into his mouth, to mimic the act he so desperately wanted. Kane raised his hand to tenderly cup David’s jaw, and felt as if he would faint from need.

Abruptly, David thrust Kane away from him. “Now turn around and take your pants down!” he ordered.

“David!” Kane was almost voiceless from excitement.

“Do it!”

Slowly, Kane exposed his back to David. The pool table was there before him.  His fingers went to his belt buckle, and he paused for a tiny moment. Then he unfastened it and pushed his trousers down around his ankles. He leaned over, his palms pressed flat on the green expanse, balancing his weight on his arms. Finding it impossible to breathe, his lips parted and he silently struggled to draw much-needed oxygen into his lungs. His nails dug into the felt of the table and he bent slightly, angling his hips further toward David and an experience that he was dizzy with

Amazed that Kane had complied with his wishes, David stared in wonder at the taut, firm, young buttocks presented for his pleasure. He groaned almost silently, unable to drag his gaze away.

“Kane!” he whispered, and shed his jacket, tossing it carelessly to one side. “You would let me do this to you?”

Kane bowed his head, preparing for another rejection. “Yes,” he replied. That was all. “Yes.”

With that one word, David realized the depths of Kane’s feelings for him and he felt humbled. “I don’t deserve you, Kane,” he said as his hands ripped open his shirt and wrestled with the fastening of his slacks. “But I want you like my last hope of heaven!”

Kane whirled around at that, joy filling him, ready to leap on David. The sight that met his eyes halted him. David was hopping around on one foot, trying to get his pants’ leg over his other foot without removing his shoe first. Kane’s jaw dropped as David lost his battle with the shoe and with gravity and he landed on his rump with a painful thud.

“Ow!” he murmured, rolling onto one hip and rubbing his tailbone carefully. Then Kane was there next to him.

“Let me do that for you,” the boy said, stars in his eyes.

“Okay. You take that foot, and I’ll take this one.” But before David could reach toward his shoe laces, he felt tentative fingers on his hip, circling around to touch the abused cheek. Then soft lips replaced the fingers.

When Kane drew back, David felt bereft. But then he saw how Kane was looking at him.

Kane was riveted on the rampant erection that tantalized him, and reached out to delicately stroke its length. He leaned as far forward as his imprisoned ankles would allow and licked at the male flesh which quivered beneath his ministrations.

Soft, full lips engulfed David’s arousal, taking in as much as they could, then Kane gently raked his teeth over it as he raised his head back up. Again and again he repeated this, nuzzling his nose in the thick, wiry hair that clustered at David’s groin.

Trembling like an untried youth, David felt himself approach the edge and pushed at Kane, trying to draw back.

“No!” Kane pleaded. “Let me taste you!”

And with a groan, David felt himself lose the battle. His hips jerked convulsively as Kane’s warm mouth continued to caress him.

“Kane.” Gently, David cupped his chin in his hand and forced him to meet his eyes. He pressed warm kisses to his young lover’s mouth, tasting himself there.  “I really didn’t come prepared for this. I have no condoms. And as much as I want you,” and the evidence of this was his manhood rising to attention so soon after a most satisfying climax, “I won’t take you at the risk of hurting you.”

Kane’s smile was brilliant. “Tell me what we need and I’ll get it for you! David, how do you think my father made his last million?

“In health and beauty aids!”

Part 8

David sighed contentedly as Kane snuggled up against his chest, his head tucked neatly beneath his chin. Then David felt Kane’s erection nudging his hip.

“Sorry,” murmured Kane, and he shifted his lower body away.

“No,” said David, “*I’m* sorry. You haven’t even come yet.”

“Maybe not, but this was the best experience of my life!”

“So far,” David reminded him. “Didn’t you say something about having protection in the house?”

Kane felt his insides grip, and his arousal grew almost painful. “Oh, yes!” he breathed, trying to leap to his feet, forgetting the trousers around his ankles.

David laughed as he propped him up to keep him from falling over, and Kane smiled sheepishly. Sitting back down, he tugged off his shoes and pants, then yanked off the rest of his clothes. Scooping up a remote, he pressed a key on the pad and soft music began spilling from hidden speakers, surrounding them with sound.

Naked as a young satyr, he bounded out of the room, barely giving David time to admire his sleek lines. David began to leisurely divest himself of his own clothing.

In almost no time Kane was back with two boxes of condoms and a tube of
lubricant. He tossed one of the boxes to David and settled down next to him.

“From my Dad’s private stash. These are primo!”

Two dozen in a box! David had to grin. “And you expect me to use all of them tonight?”

Kane looked dashed. “Do you need to leave soon?” His voice quavered.

David ran a soothing hand through Kane’s long hair, loosening the rest of it from the thong that had held it back.

“No, baby, no! I just meant you overestimate me! I’m ten years older than you, you know.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Kane avowed. “They’re yours and I want you to use them. On me!”

David’s flaccid flesh suddenly grew very interested. “I won’t hurt you, Kane!” he promised. The younger man’s eyes were starting to look a little scared and David felt his heart lurch. “Are you having second thoughts? Do you *not* want me to do this?”

“No, David! No! I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you! I’ve never done this before,” he confessed in a small voice.

David pressed soft, reassuring kisses to the mouth he was fast becoming addicted to. “Neither have I,” David told him. “Not with love!”

Kane drew in a sharp breath and an incandescent smile lit his face. “Then take me now David!” he commanded. “I want you so much; I’m about to burst!”

David kissed him again and rose to his feet, pulling him up with him. “Just lean over the pool table, Kane. Find a position that’s comfortable for you. I’ll take care of everything else!”

Kane braced his forearms on the green felt, his back almost parallel to the table, his legs spread apart to hold himself steady. Looking over his shoulder, he watched with interest as David rolled on a condom and lubricated it liberally. Then David put more of it on a finger, and Kane sucked his breath in, nervous in spite of himself.

“Shhh, baby,” David whispered. “Everything will be fine!”

Pressing openmouthed kisses along Kane’s spine, David stroked the shadowed cleft between his buttocks, searching for the spot he wanted, the spot needed. On the stereo, a male voice was singing, “Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door...” When he felt the tight band of muscle give slightly, he reached around to stroke Kane’s arousal, seeking to distract him somewhat from what he was doing.

Gently he inserted the tip of his finger, letting the lubricant soothe the intrusion. Between the kisses, the petting and the easy movements of David’s finger, Kane was soon writhing and moaning, desperate for his lover’s possession.

When he judged Kane to be almost beyond coherence, David withdrew his finger and carefully began a tentative rocking motion that soon saw him partially sheathed in snug flesh.

Kane’s breath was whistling from between parted lips. His eyes were clenched shut and his nails dug into the material covering the pool table.

“Am I hurting you?” David gasped.

In answer, Kane thrust his hips back toward his lover. “More!" he begged, “Give me more!”

Then David was completely within his lover and inner muscles caressed his turgid flesh. Lying along his lover’s back, he fastened his lips feverishly to the side of Kane’s neck. His hips began pistoning more and more rapidly, as one hand played along Kane’s arousal and the other caressed his chest.

It had been too long since David had been in a relationship like this, where he trusted his lover enough to become embedded in his body. Unable to contain himself until he had seen to Kane’s satisfaction, he felt himself hovering on the brink of a mind-shattering orgasm. Overwhelmed by it, he was blind to everything but the need to empty himself into Kane. Not some anonymous body, but Kane.

Kane bent beneath the onslaught, immobile; shocked and thrilled to the core by David’s loss of control, shuddering a little from the aftershocks. His chest stung a bit where David’s nails had scored him, and he gently rubbed the spot on the side of his neck where lips had suckled in a frenzy of passion.

He looked down at himself, amazed to realize that he, too, had climaxed. He had been so wrapped up in what David had been doing to him that he had scarcely noticed.

He was basking in the afterglow, almost purring like a kitten when suddenly it occurred to him that all was not as it should be. David’s breath sobbed out of him as he withdrew gently from the younger man, collapsing onto the deep pile of the rug.

Just as in Kane’s dream, David wept bitterly, but not from wasted time. The loss of control had sent him back to a very dark place in his past. Kane touched a hesitant hand to his lover’s hair, but David moaned and rolled away from him, curling into a fetal position.

Kane wasn’t sure how to comfort him, but he knew he could not leave him in this condition. Hurrying to the butler’s pantry, he filled a small basin with warm water, grabbed a tea towel from a drawer and hurried back to the man who had given him such a fantastic first time experience.

David’s sobs had quieted to hitches caught in his throat. His hand shielded his eyes. He could not believe he had done that to Kane! He started as he felt Kane remove the demolished condom, and a warm, wet cloth tenderly wash over his skin. David swiped a hand under his nose and watched from beneath lowered lids as Kane ministered to him.

Then he laughed mirthlessly: almost as an afterthought, Kane was wiping himself casually off, removing all outer traces of their passion.

“Christ, Kane, how can you be so nice to me, after what I did to you?”

“David, I don’t know what you think you did to me, but *I* thought it was great! I’m sorry you didn’t have a good time. I thought you did, but I’m so inexperienced at this, I guess I read it all wrong. I just love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you.”

“You love me, even though I hurt you?” David demanded savagely.

Kane looked at him with a furrow between his brows. “I don’t understand where you got the idea that you hurt me. You were so gentle, I’m not even sore now. And if you weren’t in such a pissy mood,” he suddenly spat, “we could probably be doing it all over again!”

 Before Kane could gather up the towel and basin and flounce back to the pantry, David grabbed his hand.

“Kane, I...I need to tell you something.”

Part 9

Kane turned so pale, David thought he was about to faint. This is it, Kane said to himself. This is where he tells me ‘I love you,honey, but the evening’s over’. Wretchedly, he felt his own eyes begin to tear.

“You’re leaving me?”

“You see, when...Kane, what the fuck are you talking about? I’m trying to bare my soul to you, and you accuse me of leaving you? After I told you I loved you? I ought to beat your sweet ass!” Insulted, David tried to get to his feet, but Kane threw his arms around his legs, forcing him back to his knees.

Planting kisses at random, Kane pleaded, “Bare your soul, David. Bare...anything you want to me!”

“You cheeky little monkey!” David grabbed his chin and kissed him firmly, crushing his lips against his teeth, thrusting in his tongue to tangle with Kane’s. “All right, now shut up and listen, and don’t you dare interrupt again until I finish. This is hard enough as it is.”

Kane reached over and squeezed David’s torpid manhood. “Not from where I’m sitting, it isn’t!”

David ruffled his hair affectionately and settled him with his head in his lap. Kane continued to pet him gently.

“Back when I was first starting in The Beavertons, I was just a few years younger than you. I was only a mediocre actor, but I was desperate for the part. There was talk around the set that the producer wasn’t too happy with me, that he had his eye on a younger actor. One afternoon after we had wrapped for the day, he called me into his office.

“And he came on to me.”

Kane made a sound of sympathy and hugged David fiercely around the waist.

“No, don’t get the wrong idea. It wasn’t the casting couch thing, not at that point. I didn’t know what I was, if I was straight, if I was gay. I got hard anytime, day or night, looking at a woman, looking at a man. I was so confused. When he started telling me how attractive I was, and how he thought that with a good acting coach I might grow into the part of Toby, I felt like parched ground, thirstily drinking up any drop of praise that fell. Here was this powerful man, telling me he thought I could be a good actor!

“When he started to kiss me, I let him. And I liked it, so I kissed him back. And then I started getting excited. But I was so stupid, I had no clue what to do. He pushed me into this small, dark closet and told me to take my pants down.”

“Like you told me? Were you trying to frighten me off?” Kane wondered.

David refused to answer, although Kane was closer to the truth than he could have guessed. He went on with the tale, speaking of it for the first time since it had happened.

“He told me to take my pants down,” he repeated, “and then he told me to turn around. And he was in me before I could brace myself.

“Kane, he really hurt me. That’s why I was so concerned about not hurting you. I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy!”

Slow tears began to seep past David’s closed eyelids. “He gripped my mouth shut, so hard that his ring cut my lip. It was so deep that I actually bled all over my shirt. There’s even this tiny scar.” He pointed out a thin white line that bisected the bottom of his lower lip.

Turning his head away from Kane to hide his shame, he continued, “That wasn’t the only place I bled from. I was so scared, so fucking scared! Stuff like that isn’t supposed to happen to guys. And then he told me to keep my mouth shut, and that I was to be available to him any time he wanted me. He said that if I ever said anything, no one would believe me, and they’d think that *I* had made a pass at *him*. And they'd think that I was a slut.”

His eyes were tormented. “It didn’t really matter what other people would think: *I* thought I was a slut. Something in me must have given him permission to treat me like that.

“After a few days, when I realized that nothing bad had happened...” he ignored Kane’s choked outrage. “Well, but Kane, nothing really had. I didn’t need to be hospitalized, or anything like that. Anyway, because nothing bad happened, and because no one seemed to realize what he did to me, I felt I must have deserved that. Because I was so ambiguous about my orientation. So I began sleeping around. I let whoever wanted me have me, and I let them do whatever they wanted."

“Then, after The Beavertons went off the air, I figured I’d better straighten out, so-to-speak, before I did something really stupid and wound up dead. Or dying. I even tried sleeping with women.”

“Is that why you got involved with Candy?” Kane asked softly, never having been able to figure out that aspect of his lover’s convoluted lifestyle.

“Yeah, and that’s just one more mark against me. I made her fall in love with me, and now she can’t get past that. She keeps making the same mistakes over and over, choosing partners who can never fulfill her expectations, who are almost guaranteed to hurt her. But then, who am I to criticize? I do the same thing!”

Kane sucked in his breath at the hurt that blossomed in his chest. “David...”

“Oh, no! Baby, I didn’t mean that about you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” David’s arms encircled the younger man, holding him close and rocking him against his chest. “I kept pushing you away, and pushing you away, but you wouldn’t go. And now here we are.” There was a smile in his voice.

Kane relaxed against him, winding his arms around David’s neck, fitting himself more snugly to his lover’s body. “I would never hurt you, David,” he told him. “But I need to know if you would ever let me make love to you the way you did to me?’

David rubbed his chin against Kane’s soft hair, pondering not that question but the one Kane left unasked. Will you trust me enough to let me into your body?

Generally, just the thought of allowing a man against his back was enough to give him an anxiety attack and render him psychologically impotent. So now he envisioned Kane leaning over him, eager and ready. He imagined him sliding his hard length into him. And he pictured his own vulnerability at being helpless to control the depth or speed of the strokes as Kane pounded into him, much as he had just done to his young lover.

And he waited for the sweats, and the shortness of breath, and the fear, the Godawful fear, of being hurt.

And when they didn’t come, he realized that he had freed himself from the nightmare of the past.

And he found himself growing hard with excitement.

“Kane, is anyone else in this house tonight?”

Perturbed by this non sequitur, Kane frowned but gave the question a moment’s thought. “No, the servants who live in have tonight off. That’s one of the reasons I invited you here tonight: I thought you’d be more comfortable without another presence in the house. And anyway, they know enough never to come to this part of the house after working hours. Are you going to answer my question, David?”

“Yes, I am. I just need to know if you'll be more comfortable here. Or would you rather fuck me in another part of the house?”

Kane’s face lit up. “Oh please, David!” But he slightly reworded his response. “Can I have you in my bedroom?”

Part 10

Kane had been a neat, conscientious child who always put his toys away 
and never left a mess. He had grown into a meticulous, methodical young man 
who hung up his clothes and cleaned up after himself. In a hurry now, he went 
about the room gathering up his clothes from where he had flung them. While 
he leaned over to scoop up the remote and snap off the stereo, David admired 
the sleek lines of his hips and thighs.

Since David had been less rushed in his undressing, his clothes were 
tidily stacked in a compact pile. He gathered them up and hugged them to him, 
amazed at the sudden turn his life had taken.

For so long he had not allowed anyone to get close to him, fearing that 
they would see the putrescence that was within him and turn away in horror. 
Now, here was Kane, not only refusing to acknowledge any ugliness in his 
lover’s soul, but actually enveloping David in his tender, loving embrace, 
attempting to shield him from the pain of his past.

David felt his heart swell, and a single tear wended its way down his 

Kane tapped a code into the wall panel that controlled the lights, and 
the room darkened. The dim glow from the pantry spilled into the room, 
illuminating a path through it to the sweeping, curved stairway that led to 
the upper story. Turning to take his lover’s hand, Kane spotted the trail 
left by the tear.

Dropping his clothes onto the pool table, Kane went to David and wrapped 
his arms around him. “David, what’s wrong?”

David shook his head and brushed a soft kiss against Kane’s cheek. “I 
just can’t believe that you love me!”

“Oh, is that all?” Inwardly, Kane was terrified that David would rebuild 
the walls that protected his bruised heart, shutting him out. So he pretended 
to a nonchalance that he didn’t feel. “Well, let’s just get that gorgeous 
ass of yours upstairs, and I’ll show you how much I love you!” He wrapped 
his fingers in David’s hair and pulled his face down to him. Never taking his 
eyes off David’s eyes, he delicately licked a path across David’s upper lip, 
then did the same to the lower one.

David sucked in a strangled breath. Curiously vulnerable, the older man 
could only stare helplessly as Kane kissed him, watching David watch him. 
Their arousals touched and David tossed his clothes aside to take Kane into 
his arms and plunder the treasure that was his sweet mouth.

“Kane!” he groaned. “I want you so badly, baby!”

Kane rubbed his cheek against David’s lightly haired chest, pressing 
close to him, breast and groin. David’s hands stroked his back, each downward 
glide finding them lower and lower, until at last they cupped the cheeks of 
his derriere, squeezing and kneading them.

“David, I want to be inside you so much! Please, let’s go to my room?”

"My own little monkey!” David whispered tenderly. “Show me the way.”

Retrieving their clothes, they left the room and climbed the shallow 
stairs to the second floor. David couldn’t take his eyes off the rhythmic 
movements of the muscles of Kane’s thighs and buttocks. He couldn’t resist 
reaching out to gently run a finger down the shadowed cleft, reaching lower 
to cup the jewels that swung beneath Kane’s engorged manhood. 

Kane stumbled and nearly flattened himself on the stairs, but managed to 
catch himself in time. That maneuver left him at the mercy of his lover, who 
tossed aside the clothes that encumbered his hands and with a needy cry, 
encircled Kane’s waist with one arm, hauling him back against him. Scrambling 
frantically for a condom, he prepared himself and his partner for the loving 
assault about to take place.

“David...?” squeaked Kane, dazed at the rapidity with which the older 
man had raised his level of excitement, and was even now sliding smoothly 
into his depths. With a soft moan, Kane hunched forward, offering David a 
better angle to ravage his tender body. Shuddering and trembling, Kane’s hand 
found his own erection which was already beading with moisture. And while 
David worked his magic behind him, he stoked himself into a frenzy of need.

“Harder, David!” he pleaded. “Harder!”

But David was in control this time, and he knew that if he gave Kane what 
he wanted right then, they could both very well tumble down the stairs. 

And wouldn’t that be difficult to explain to the servants in the morning, 
their two bodies, sprawled at the bottom of the stairs, still joined, but 
unfortunately too dead to enjoy it!

So he tempered his strokes with dark phrases of Anglo-Saxon words, 
telling his young lover in graphic detail what he planned to do to him after 
they got to his bedroom.

And the words and the images they evoked drove Kane over the edge. He 
began to come, his breath whining out even as David poured his essence into 

Bracing a hand on the step below him, he stood bowed, his head hanging, 
struggling to regain his breath and return to reality. David leaned against 
him, still embedded deeply inside him.

Kane could not understand how passion could have risen so suddenly, so 
unexpectedly. In such a kinky spot! As David withdrew from him, he spotted 
the evidence of his surrender on the stairs and sighed.

“Well, shoot! Now I’ve got to clean this up before someone slips and 
breaks a leg. Am I ever going to get you into my bed?”

David’s eyes gleamed at him and he tipped his chin up. Rubbing his lips 
caressingly over Kane’s, he murmured, “My sweet monkey, you can bet your 
tight little ass you will! Don’t even doubt it! Now come on. I’ll help you 
take care of this and then I’m all yours," he leaned over to whisper in 
Kane's ear, "and we're going to fuck each other like mink, all night long!"

Part 11

The hallway at the top of the sweeping staircase was a wide-open expanse 
of plush cream carpeting. It ran the width of the house. Three doors leading 
into bedrooms faced off it: Kane’s to the front of the house, his father’s 
at the back and his mother’s over to the side, away from them both.

Kane’s steps became more and more hesitant as they approached his room. 
The door was ajar and he reached around the jam to flick on a switch, then 
moved aside to allow David to enter. 

Soft lighting bathed the room in an amber glow. Encompassing the length 
of the house, Kane’s room was a curiously ambiguous reflection of his 
personality. On the far wall, to the right were all the electronic toys a boy 
could want. A video game console vied for room with a computer. A stereo 
system to rival the one downstairs sat cheek by jowl with a smaller version 
of the large screen TV: this set was merely forty-five inches. A bookcase 
held not only paperbacks and hardcovers, but videos, CDs and game cartridges. 
David found himself examining the titles, drawn to discover the interests of 
his young lover. Mystic Realm, Dragonflight and Monopoly, the Star Wars 
edition; Raiders of the Lost Ark and Casablanca; Barbra Striesand and 
Metallica. Off to one side, almost hidden by a beautifully realistic 
artificial ivy was a select collection of erotica: The Story of O, the Beauty 
trilogy, The Pearl and The ShadowLane books.

Hmmmm. His lover had a penchant for spanking? Very interesting. 

Turning back to face the young man, David watched as he threw his clothes 
to one side and closed and locked his door. David raised a teasing eyebrow at 
him, and Kane looked a trifle uncomfortable. 

"I just don’t want anyone to burst in on us,” he explained softly. 

“But you told me no one else is home,” David reminded him.

“No, but....”

“But what, Kane? Something is disturbing you. Tell me what it is.”

For an endless moment David thought he would refuse to answer him. Then 
Kane capitulated. His shoulders slumped and David couldn’t resist the urge to 
go to him and take him in his arms. Kane’s arms came around him, holding on 
tightly. He was trembling.

“Baby,” David said softly, placing gentle kisses along Kane’s cheek and 
jaw, “talk to me. I can’t make it better unless I know what’s wrong.”

“It’s just that this is the first time anyone has ever been in here. 
This room has been this way since I was little.”

At David’s startled glance at the bed, huge, round, and covered in a very 
red satin duvet, Kane gave a brief snort of laughter. “Not the bed, silly. I 
got that was I was thirteen! I meant everything else. Does all this make me 
seem too young for you? I mean, you keep calling me ‘baby’. And I’m not a 

David stroked the hair back from Kane’s face. Almost eighteen, he could 
easily pass for four years younger. For a disconcerting moment, David feared 
that his lover’s obvious youth was what drew him. Then he relaxed as he 
dismissed that thought as unworthy of them both.

He loved Kane because he was Kane. “Everything in this room is a 
reflection of you, Monk. These are what molded you into the person I love, 
‘more than I love my eyes, more than I love my life, more, by all mores than 
ere I shall love wife!’” Amazingly, he could feel himself growing hard 
again, and he took Kane’s mouth in a kiss driven by uncontrolled desire. The 
lust blindsided him, catching him unawares.

“Now, Kane! I want you inside me now!”

Part 12

Kane’s eyes were incandescent. They glowed with love and passion and 
mounting excitement. Taking David by the hand, he led him to his bed and 
flung back the covers. David watched as Kane repeated the actions he had 
observed earlier, rolling on a condom and applying the lubricant. Relishing 
the dominant role, he gestured for David to get on the bed and nearly lost 
control as he gently placed his fingers on his lover’s flesh.

David’s head drooped, and his arousal vanished. Shuddering, starting to 
sweat, he said nothing, willing to allow Kane to have his way with him.

But for all Kane’s tender years, he was not stupid and he was not blind 
to his loved one’s distress. Murmuring soothing nonsense words, he slid 
himself beneath David’s arms so that he was in the subordinate position. 
Pulling David down on top of him, Kane brushed gentle hands on David’s back 
and sides and buttocks.

“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry. I know how much you want to fuck me. I 
want it too. I thought I was past what had happened, but it keeps slapping me 
in the face. Go ahead and take me. It will be all right.”

Kane kissed him sweetly. “David, you can be such a fool! Yes, I want to 
fuck you, but I also want to make love to you. It doesn’t have to be tonight. 
We’ve both come so much, I don’t know if we have anything left in us! We can 
just pet each other, or you can fuck me, or we can go to sleep. It’s not 

David reared back. “It *is* important. This is something you want so 
badly, and why shouldn’t you have it? I’ve taken you, and taken you. It’s 
only fair that you take me!”

“Not at the risk of hurting you, David. I love you too much for that! 
I’d rather we just keep doing what we did tonight then do something to you 
that you don’t enjoy!”

Kane was not only adamant, he was also soft. David could spout as much 
self-sacrificing bullshit as he wanted, but that wouldn’t make his lover hard 
enough to achieve penetration.

At a loss, David rolled over and surged to his feet. He stalked around 
the room, stopping before the collection of erotica, and his eyes lit as a 
solution struck him. He ran back to the bed and threw himself upon it, 
laughing in relief.

Kane’s look was decidedly sour. “I’m glad one of us is so happy. You 
won’t make love to me, I can’t make love to you...”

“Yes! Yes you can baby! That old text reminded me! It doesn’t have to be 
from behind! If you wouldn’t mind trying something....different?”

Kane’s physical reaction spoke volumes. Already growing hard, his arousal 
lured David as nothing else could, and answered his question. Whatever David 
wanted, Kane was, quite literally, up for. Hurling himself into David’s arms, 
Kane scattered relieved kisses wherever he could reach. “Just tell me what 
you want me to do, love.” He said the last somewhat shyly, as he was unused 
to endearments.

David felt his heart turn over, and he, too, became erect. “In the 
ancient world, it was forbidden for a man to take another from behind. But it 
was permissible through the thighs!”

Kane looked puzzled, and David pulled him hard against him, wrapping his 
hands in Kane’s luxuriant mane of hair. David took his mouth with a force 
that left them both shaken, biting at his lips, thrusting his tongue in an 
act that mimicked what they both most wanted.

“Lie down on your back, baby.”

Kane obeyed and David made sure the condom was in place and 
well-lubricated. Then he knelt over Kane’s hips, settling himself gently on 
either side. Easing himself down over Kane’s excited flesh, he sat back and 
began to take his young lover deep inside of him. His eyes widened as muscles 
relaxed and loosened to accommodate the intrusion. Kane leaned up on his 
elbows, watching in delight as he became a part of his lover, his lips parted 
as he tried desperately to catch his breath.

“David!” The name whispered out.

And David began a slow, easy ride, rising up almost off his lover and 
then sinking back to take him all the way in. Pulling Kane up against him, 
David placed the younger man’s arms around his neck and proceeded to kiss him 
senseless. Kane’s hips began to buck helplessly as he felt the tingles that 
presaged an overwhelming orgasm. Fighting to delay it as long as possible, 
his uncoordinated movements brought David even more pleasure than he had 
anticipated, and his breath began to whine in his throat.

Sex words, hot, dark, passionate whispered in his ear. Kane! Kane was 
talking to him, telling him he was going to fuck him blind, telling him he 
was going to bury himself so deeply into David’s body that neither one would 
know where one stopped and the other began, telling him he was going to brand 
him as his until the end of time.

As on the stairs, the words triggered the response. Clinging to each 
other with grips that were sure to leave bruises, they rode out the 
aftermath, trembling and panting and then fell back, still joined, rocking 
gently to enjoy to the fullest the consummation of their love.

And then David sighed. “I want you to be with me always, Kane. I want you 
to be mine!”

Part 13 

Kane slept the way he normally did: sprawled at the edge of the bed, one arm 
hanging over the side, his head burrowed under a pillow. His legs were spread 
wide and a voluptuous feeling crept through him as fingers feathered along 
the cleft that divided his buttocks. He began to rub himself against the 
cotton sheets that were so fine they could have passed for linen.

Then he froze. Not at all his most alert the first thing in the morning, he 
could not immediately recall who he had brought to his bed the night before. 
The hairy leg that held his own prisoners determined his partner to be male. 
Kane moaned under his breath. He had slept with a man?

Burying his face further beneath the pillow, he could have wept. He loved 
David! How could he betray him by letting someone else make love to him for 
the first time?

Then he heard David’s beloved voice, and the full memory of the previous 
night’s activities burst upon his brain, making him impossibly hard.

“I’m sorry, baby,” David said sleepily. “I didn’t mean to wake you up; I 
just couldn’t resist touching you!”

“Do you want me again, David?”

“Sweet Jesus! I’ve created a monster! Kane, I love fucking your sweet ass, 
and I’d take you in a New York City minute, but you’ve worn me out!” With a 
deep groan, David pressed a kiss to Kane’s lower spine and fell back among 
the pillows. “Give me an hour baby, okay?”

Before Kane could argue with him, he heard soft snores. David had fallen into 
a deep, dreamless slumber.

Smiling wryly, Kane got to his feet and made his way to the ensuite bathroom. 
Should he shower now, or wait until later? The idea of standing under the 
pounding water with David looming behind him made him unbearably excited. 
Catching a glimpse of himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror behind the 
vanity, Kane observed the marks David had placed upon his body. Turning this 
way and that, to get a better view of his buttocks, he touched himself in 
amazement, that David could have fitted so easily into such virgin territory, 
and brought him such unimaginable pleasure.

Well, virgin no longer. Kane wanted to run back into his bedroom and fling 
himself upon David. Then he was suddenly bitten by a domestic urge: he would 
cook for his lover instead. Feeling extremely virtuous for rising above his 
baser instincts and letting David sleep, Kane decided to leave the residue of 
their lovemaking on his body, and brushed his teeth instead.

Quietly he reentered his room and pulled a short bathrobe from the enormous 
walk-in closet that was housed in one wall. The robe barely covered the 
essentials, and was actually meant to be worn with pajamas, but Kane relished 
the feel of the silk against his naked flesh. He wasn’t worried that anyone 
would see him. His father’s servants spent as little time as possible in his 
part of the house.

Barefoot, he padded down the stairs and headed for the little kitchen. This 
was a misnomer, as it was a good deal larger than the butler’s pantry. 
However, it was smaller than the kitchen the servants used to cook for his 
parents whenever they were home. Which now seemed to be less and less 
frequently. Maybe Kane would ask his father for this house. Maybe he would 
ask David to move into it with him.

He smiled softly, liking the idea of sharing a home with David. And the 
prospect of preparing breakfast for his lover gave him a funny feeling in his 
stomach, almost as if they were....married. Kane sucked in his breath, and a 
brilliant smile lit his face. Whistling happily, he crossed to the 
refrigerator and held the door opened, doing what men have done since the 
beginning of time: making sure the provisions were where they had been left, 
and hadn’t escaped.

Pulling out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon, Kane placed them on the 
countertop and turned to the cupboard that held the pots and pans. He pulled 
out his favorite frying pan and put it on the stove. After the bacon began 
sizzling in the microwave, he picked up the eggs and was about to crack them 
into a bowl when a rustle of sound and movement from the breakfast nook 
caught his eye. 

Kane whirled around, suddenly panicky at being caught without his trousers 
on. The eggs flew from his hand and landed in the middle of the floor with a 
wet splat. But it was no intruder who sat so casually in the sunlit kitchen. 
It was no murderer or rapist who had entered his house bent upon mayhem.

It was much, much worse.

It was his father.

And from his finger dangled one of David’s shoes.

  Part 14

    Kane felt the blood drain from his face. His lungs struggled to draw in
oxygen. His hands trembled. “Father.” His voice was flat, emotionless.
“You’re back early. Or have I mixed up the date?”

    The older man, a harder, colder version of Kane, but with the same
chocolate eyes and chestnut hair, although his was now shot with gray,
examined his only son carefully. The boy never failed to disappoint him. He
had turned down his father’s generous offer to buy him into any business he
wanted, or a place in any university he chose. Instead, he worked at a
menial, minimum wage job as a busboy. The father could have understood it if
Kane was using that as a stepping stone, planning to eventually buy his own

    But Kane actually seemed content to work in such a dead-end job.  He must
have spoken the words aloud.

    “It’s not a dead-end job,” Kane said tightly. “If my work remains
satisfactory, the manager has promised to make me a waiter.”

    His father continued to regard him, baffled that a child of his loins
could be so blase toward the idea of making money, and more money, and still
more money.

    Eyeing the shoe which still dangled from his father’s hand, Kane
attempted another topic, hoping to distract him. “Ummm, how is Miss Winstead
these days, Father?”

    Neither of them wanted to speak of the bounteous brunette who had at one
time been his father’s mistress as well as executive secretary. Now she was
just his secretary, and she was clever enough not to push for more, knowing
that the elder Kane would have no compunction about squashing her like a bug.
But she *was* beautiful, and at one time he *had* lusted for her.

    Lust. Now there was a word he feared would never be used in conjunction
with his son. Gawky, gangly, wrapped up in video games, seemingly unaware of
the opposite sex. Would the boy ever grow out of this adolescence?

    And now this! A cheap pair of loafers casually left beside the pool
table. “Did you have a sleep-over, boy? One of your little friends spend the
night? I suppose it would be too much to hope for that it would be a girl?”

    Kane stared at the man responsible for his birth. Never once, in all the
long years, could he remember him offering him a word of praise, a word of
affection. Any kind of a word, really. His father never saw that he had grown
out of that awkward adolescent phase, never saw him as a young man in his own

    All he saw was that his son was not what he had dreamed of him being. So
he ignored the boy for the most part, and when he couldn’t do that, he tore
his soul to shreds with words that cut like a razor blade.

    As usual, in his father’s presence, Kane became tongue-tied. He couldn’t
have answered if his life depended on it.

    But someone else could. David slid his arm around Kane and pulled him
back against his body. Clad only in trousers, he told the older man,
“Actually yes, it would be too much to hope those are a woman’s shoes. They
happen to be mine. I was just coming down to look for them.”

    The elder Kane’s eyes suddenly gleamed with avarice. He scented a way to
pour more wealth into his coffers. “Exactly just how old are you, young man?
And do you realize that my son is a minor? If you’ve had sexual congress with
him, I will have you arrested for statutory rape!”

    “Unless.....?” Kane knew his father well. The old man didn’t care if
Kane was the victim of a gang bang. There was something brewing behind his
cold, cold eyes.

    “Well, my boy, if you give me control of your trust fund, I just might be
persuaded to forget this ugly incident happened.”

    “You always wanted to get your hands on Grandmama’s money. That’s the
only importance I ever had for you! But you can’t have it Father!”

    David felt a chill. Was Kane willing to throw him to the wolves to
protect his money? Was he, after all, a chip off the old block?”

    “I’m your only son, your only child. You would arrest the man I love,
but you couldn’t even remember my birthday, could you? I’m not a minor
anymore Father, and you have no legal hold over me.”

    The older man leaned forward abruptly and then slumped back into his
char. “When....? Ah yes, the other day. Well, it was worth a shot, I suppose.
I really just stopped back here to have my belongings packed. I’m moving into
the penthouse apartment.” And he got heavily to his feet. “This place will
be on the market in a matter of days, so you might want to think about

    He paused in the doorway, tossing David’s shoe to his feet. “By the way,
you haven’t asked about your mother.”

    Old habits are very long in dying. “I’m sorry Father. How is Mother?
Will she be stopping by to pack also?”

    “No, boy, I don’t think that’s very likely.” He was enjoying this. Oh,
he was enjoying this more than he dreamed possible. “That last *cure* proved
to be one too many. She’s dead!”

    And with that, he left Kane’s part of the house and rounded up his
servants, preparing to strip everything of value from the only home Kane had
ever known.

Part 15 

Kane began to shiver violently as shock at his father’s words set in. David 
turned him gently and briskly rubbed his arms. But Kane was shaking so hard 
that his teeth were beginning to chatter. Scooping up the slender body he 
loved so well, David carried him, back up the curving stair where they had 
found such pleasure, back to the room where the younger man had brought him 
such delight.

He took him into the bathroom and turned on the shower, getting it as hot as 
he thought they both could bear it. Then he stripped off his pants, took the 
robe off Kane, and hustled him into the shower.

This was his fantasy come true. Kane turned his face up to the spray, letting 
it wash away the tears that seeped from beneath his closed eyelids. Bracing 
his arms against the wall of the enclosure, he let stinging drops beat at his 
misery. Behind him he could feel David’s presence. He needed him closer. 
“Hold me, David,” he whimpered. “I’m falling apart! Please hold me!”

“I’ve got you, baby. I won’t let you fall.” David pressed his face against 
Kane’s long hair and wrapped his arms tightly around him. He angled his lower 
body to keep from Kane the knowledge that he was almost mad with wanting him. 
The opportunity to play white knight was seriously arousing.

But Kane needed more than arms holding him. He needed the reassurance that he 
was loved, that someone in the world *did* love him. Backing against David, 
he felt his erection nudge against his buttocks. “Make love to me, David. I 
need it so badly!”

It Kane had said “I need you”, David would have shed his principles like a 
second skin and taken his young lover right where they stood, without 
finesse, without a thought to protection, without a thought to comfort.

But the *it* infuriated him, as if he was nothing but a sex toy for Kane to 
play with when he felt he had an itch that needed scratching.

He knew that Kane was in emotional agony, but he was hurting too. To see the 
father of his lover treat him with such casual cruelty was devastating. He 
wanted to commit serious violence upon the man. And since he couldn’t channel 
his anger in that manner, it turned upon him, becoming a ravening beast ready 
to devour that which it most loved. Kane.

Viciously twisting off the shower, David spun Kane around to face him. Hard, 
hurting hands on his shoulders, he shook Kane until his hair whipped them 

Kane stared up at him, openmouthed, and David seized that opportunity to take 
advantage of him, kissing him savagely, nipping at his lips, ravishing his 

“You don’t need *it*! You need *me*! And by God you’re going to get me! I’m 
going to take you in the bedroom and fuck you so long and so hard you won’t 
be able to walk for a week!”

David grabbed a towel from a warming bar and roughly dried Kane. With 
careless swipes he ran the same towel over his own body, then took Kane’s 
wrist and dragged him into the bedroom.

Kane submitted to all the rough treatment with rising excitement. He knew 
that David was trying desperately to distract him from the devastating news 
of his father’s parting shot. He knew that David would never harm him. He 
also realized he had hurt David somehow, although he couldn’t recall the 
exact words that had turned him into a dominating master.

“David,” he whispered, “what are you going to do to me?” His erection 
reached toward his lover.

David looked into chocolate brown eyes and felt himself begin to melt. But 
no! He had to be strong. He had to teach Kane a lesson. As much as he loved 
him, he would not allow Kane to treat him like one of his many possessions!

Winding his fingers in Kane’s wet hair, he pulled his face close to his. 
“You will never again consider me an anatomically correct doll to play with 
at your convenience.” His tongue plunged into Kane’s welcoming mouth. 
Pulling back to make sure Kane knew the seriousness of his intentions, David 
told him, “I am going to fuck your sweet mouth until I come! Then I’m going 
to spank you until you are all rosy and warm from my hand, as long as it 
takes until I am hard again. And then I will fuck your ass until you beg me 
to come inside you!”

David stroked his fingers down Kane’s chest, finding the flat male nipples 
and scraping them lightly with his nails. Kane shuddered and dropped to his 
knees before David, kissing a path down his body. David’s arousal was eagerly 
seeking the warm, willing mouth of his lover. Kane parted his lips and 
delicately licked a bead of David’s essence from its tip. He rubbed his cheek 
along the side of his erection, savoring the smooth, soft skin. David took a 
handful of Kane’s hair and positioned his mouth where he wanted it, and then 
he was thrusting deeply. He had become so unbelievably hot that he was able 
to reach satisfaction in remarkably few strokes.

It was only then that he came to his senses and realized what he had done to 
his traumatized young lover. If Kane ever let him near him again, he would be 
truly surprised. Dropping to his knees beside where Kane crouched on the 
carpet trying to catch his breath and wiping off his mouth, David encircled 
him with none too steady arms.

“Oh, my God, Kane! I’m so sorry! I just lost control and I... Did I hurt 
you baby? What a beast I am to do that to you! I never meant to..... And 
after hearing about your mother, too! Oh God, Kane, say something to me! Even 
if it’s just to tell me I’m a heartless bastard!”

Kane looked at him with wounded eyes. David was sure that this was the end, 
that Kane was going to order him out of his life forever, and his heart broke.

“Does this mean you aren’t going to spank me?”\

Part 16

David’s face took on such an stern aspect that Kane leaned back away from 
him, falling from his crouch and landing on his rump. His lover began to 
slide up along his body, forcing him down until he was flat on his back, 
aware that every inch of his flesh was covered by David.

“You want me to spank you, little boy?” David asked huskily. “You want to 
feel my hand against your tight little butt? Well, I’ll give you anything you 

David’s fingers entwined in Kane’s hair and the pressure he exerted was just 
short of exquisite pain. Kane found it so erotic that he had to struggle to 
keep from spilling himself all over his dominant lover. His eyes were huge 
and his lips were parted, trying to drag in ragged breaths of air.

“I’m going to turn you over and mount you!” David’s mouth was hard against 
Kane’s, not kissing him, but just letting him feel his exhalations. “I’m 
going to ride you, and ride you, and ride you! I’ve already come so much, I 
won’t have any trouble controlling my climax. But you will! And I’m going to 
make you go higher and higher! I’ll leave you so filled with the feel of me 
that you’ll think I’m a part of you!”

David rose gracefully to his feet and walked to the night table where a box 
of condoms and the tube of lubricant had been placed. He eyed them 
reflectively for a moment, then sat down on the bed.

Kane was still sprawled on the floor, legs spread apart, staring at his 
lover, trembling with excitement. David crooked a finger at him and Kane 
slowly got to knees, scooting to where David sat.

Nervously he moistened his lips. His mouth was so dry he could barely 
swallow. David leaned toward him and ran his own tongue over Kane’s lips. 
Then he hoisted him up, and over his knees.

Kane’s long hair swung loose to the floor. His hands clutched together. David 
ran a gentle hand over the curve of Kane’s buttocks, then inserted a long 
finger into the cleft, touching Kane in a way calculated to drive him wild. 
He started to writhe and David’s hand came sharply down, leaving a bright red 
imprint on Kane’s pale flesh. 

“No matter what I do to you, no matter what I make you feel, I don’t want 
you to move. Do you understand? Everytime you move, I will spank you!”

David continued his actions, and each time Kane squirmed, or jerked, or 
twisted, David would leave another imprint on his lover’s buttocks. Before 
long, Kane couldn’t keep still, and David’s hand was rising and falling with 
regularity. He could feel Kane’s arousal growing against his thigh, but still 
he contained his own passion, endeavoring to give the younger man an 
experience to remember.

It was only when Kane was unable to restrain a sob that David uprighted him 
between his knees. Tears had formed a path down Kane’s face and David leaned 
toward him and gently licked them off. “Did I hurt you?” he asked softly.

Kane pressed close to him and held him fiercely. “No!” he exclaimed. “I know 
you would never hurt me! I....I loved it! Does that make me weird?”

David urged him to his feet and he gently petted the heated skin he had 
spanked to a rosy glow. Turning him, he smoothed kisses all over the sweet, 
tight ass of his young lover. He was getting desperate to bury himself in 
that ass, but he wasn’t sure how Kane would feel about doing that after being 
so hardily spanked.

“Kane, talk to me. I know the news of your mother’s death is a shock, and 
sometimes making love at a time like this helps. You know I’ll do whatever 
you want. to me.” And he pulled Kane onto his lap.

Kane winced a bit, then sat there nuzzling David’s neck and jaw, taking 
little nips, leaving tiny love bites, cuddling against the man he loved. 
“It’s so hard to explain. You saw how my father is to me. My mother never 
showed me any kind of affection. I was under the impression that once I was 
born, they never had sex again. Getting an heir was the sole purpose for 
that, and once they had me, there was no further need for them to be 

He shrugged uncomfortably. “I don’t know why I reacted like I did in the 
bathroom. I haven’t really seen her in months. It wasn’t I loved her...” His voice broke and his shoulders shook as another 
bout of weeping shook him.

David just held him and rocked him in his arms. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay.”

“It’s *not* okay!” Kane wailed. “Never, in my whole life, has anyone loved 

David set him on the bed and stood to get some tissues. Gently he dried his 
lover’s tears, turning surreptitiously to wipe his own eyes. “You’re wrong, 
Kane, you are loved! *I* love you, and I’ll love you until the day I die." He 
missed the look that Kane slanted at him, the look that said, sure, tell me 
another one. "Come live with me. If you have nowhere to go when your father 
sells this fucking mausoleum of his, then come live with me.”

“With you and Candy?” Kane asked for clarification. If he had to share David 
with the woman who had once been his lover and was now just a friend, he 
wasn’t sure he could do it. But for David, he would try his damnedest.

David held himself very still, examining the idea from all angles. Then he 
shook his head. “No. It’s not a bad idea, but no. We’d be kind of like... 
well, like newlyweds. You wouldn’t want someone else along on your honeymoon, 
would you?”

Kane hugged David tightly, showering his face with kisses. “Just you. David! 
Just you!”

Section 2