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Jimmy (Bokeem Woodbine) and Luther (Justin Pierce) are con-men who've hit rock bottom. In a desperate move, they plan to blackmail a doctor to pay off their loan shark. What they didn't count on was their victim being more dangerous than themselves and the loan shark they fear.

While the premise may sound contrived and overly formulaic, it isn't. This small picture is fresh and at times original and always entertaining. In the world were the "Heist Gone Bad" genre is as tired as the "Boy Meets Girl" story line, comes a familiar story with some nice twists and turns. At times Blackmale is over the top, but it never stops entertaining. During the viewing of the movie, I found myself at different points in the movie, rooting for different characters, all of them more messed up than the others, while all of them being likeable in some way.

One of the stars, Bokeem Woodbine, is, in my opinion a highly underated and undersused actor. Another passed over film that he starred in, Caught Up, was a great ride, and highly entertaining. Just when you think you had it all figured out it switched gears on you. All the way up until the end the movie kept you on your toes and was never predictable or contrived.

Now as much as I liked the movie, the DVD falls short.


                      Dolby Digital Surround Sound

                      Scene Selection

                      Widescreen Format 

There are no extras whatsoever, though it is in widescreen and
the transfer is decent. I am going to give this one two ratings. 

C's Final Word (MOVIE) - PROPER!

C's Final Work (Disc) - Whack! 

By all means rent this movie now. Hopefully there will be a better edition down the road!

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