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C's Final Word On DVD's

Welcome to my DVD review page! Some of you may not own a DVD player or know what the differences are between DVD and VHS aside from the obvious way they look. For those of you who want to know more about DVD, DVD.IGN has an information page with all your answers for you along with side by side comparisons!

This is going to be my index page. Since this is the main page of my reviews as well as the index page, I am going to explain how I am going to sum up my reviews. Thumbs up has already been taken so have some other cool gimmicky things. So here is my gimmick. My review scheme may be a bit unorthadox, so I will describe it to you now.

DOA - Do not waste your time or money. (poor)

WHACK - If you really aint got nothing better to do you can rent it. (fair)

AIIGHT - Decent, worth watching. Possibly worthy of purchase. (good)

PROPER - Defenitly worth watching, consider owning. (very good)

DA BOMB - You must get this DVD! (excellent)

I am now changing the format. I know I have not updated this area in ages, but now, that is all about to change. The existing reviews will remain the same, the only new additions on this page, in this format, will be movies I have rented and reviewed. The new format will take you to


where you will see the dvd case, the cast, credits, and eventually my reviews. I will keep you all updated.

If there is something you want reviewed let me know but dropping me an email!

If you want to know more about these or virtually any other movie out there the Internet Movie Data Base is the place for you! Bear with me if the list isn't full alphabetized yet. If you want to go back to my homepage, just click the icon.

Or if you would like to return to my home page click below!

My DVD Reviews: A - H

American Beauty
American Pie
Bring It On
Charlie's Angels
Coyote Ugly
From Dusk Till Dawn

My DVD Reviews: I - P

Meet The Parents
Men Of Honor
Mission Impossible 2
Perfect Storm

My DVD Reviews: Q - Z

Remember The Titans
Rock, The
Shaft 2000
Specials, The
Superman - The Movie