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From Dusk Till Dawn

The Gecko brothers are a dangerous pair. Seth Gecko (Clooney) has just been broken out of prison by his hot-headed younger brother Richard (Tarantino), and the two head for the road on a crime spree with a briefcase full of cash. Their plan is to head for safe haven in Mexico, stopping to kidnap a vacationing father and his two children (Keitel), and (Lewis). But when they reach their destination, they find themselves in a seedy nightclub with something truly sinister lurking inside. Now the Geckos and their hostages must come together to survive and defeat this enemy.

While I do not want to give anything away, I feel that the plot needs a bit of explaination. I do not believe that the opening parapgraph here gives the whole movie away, and even if it did, the movie is a thrill ride and very enjoyable even after the first viewing.

When this film came out it had a lot of criticism for the dual nature of its plot. I am not going to go into it in any detail but I be prepared. I was pleasently surprised by the twist, others were shocked, some liked it others did not. Having said that, I think Tarantino and Rodriguez work well together. Both have similar interests and inspirations so this film was very smooth. There seems to be no creative conflicts and you can tell if you listen to the commentary that they do in face work well together. The first half of the movie is, for all intents and purposes a road movie and works well on that level. The second half all takes place in the fictional club known as the Titty Twister. The visuals here are mostly special effects driven, and they all are quite good. Clooney stands out as the likeable rouge character. He is in fact "a bad guy", but we root for him and hope he makes it.

I could not wait to get this special edition and I was quite pleased buy it, the only disappointment of this double disc set is the fact that it is non anamorphic. Other than that the set is awesome. It comes with a commentary by Rodriguez and Tarantino. There are deleted scenes and bonus material. The second disc is the entire film Full Tilt Boogie, which is a documentary of the making of the film. That is awesome in of itself. Here is a list of the features.

	Additional Footage
	Audio Commentary
	Deleted Scenes
	Full Length Documentary "Full Tilt Boggie"
	Interactive Menus
	Music Videos
	Photo Gallery
	Scene Access
	TV Spots
	Widescreen Version

C's Final Word - DA BOMB!

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