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Perfect Storm

In the Fall of 1991, the "Andrea Gail" left Gloucester, Mass. and headed for the fishing grounds of the North Atlantic. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history. It was "the perfect storm" - a tempest that may happen only once in a century - a nor'easter created by so rare a combination of factors that it could not possibly have been worse. Creating waves ten stories high and winds of 120 miles an hour (193 kph), the storm whipped the sea to inconceivable levels few people on Earth have ever witnessed. Few, except the six-man crew of the Andrea Gail, headed towards its hellish center.

Trust me, this is not just another "disaster" movie. While it is based on this disasterous storm, this is a classical story of man versus nature. The men here are fisherman, raised to on the rough seas to try to eek out a living by catching fish. Their daily lives is a battle of wills, and this is a story of the greatest battle of their lives.

The acting is very good. Clooney was very good as the ships captain, but then again, I liked the whole cast. They were a very good ensemble cast who worked well together. Other standout performances were Mark Wahlberg and Karen Allen.

The effects are stunning. The insurmountable wall of ocean that threatens to engulf the boat, the shot that graces the cover of the DVD case, is just one of the breathtaking visuals in this movie. Most of the picture takes place on the boat, while they are at sea. We are treated to calm, sunny days, and turbulent stormy nights. The sound too is impeccable and you can feel the waves crashing, and the thunder will make you shudder.

Of the commentaries, I would say that the one by Sebastian Junger, the author of the book, was the best. He went into great detail about each of the people of the Andrea Gail and their lives and loves. He also spoke about the storm and how it affected the area then and the repercussions of that day. It was extremely informative, and he is an excellent storyteller.

Aside from the commentaries the disc is packed. There are two documentaries, a featurette, music video and more!


                     "Yours Forever" by John Mellencamp with Production Stills

                     HBO First Look: The Perfect Storm

                     3 Commentaries

                     Behind-the-Scenes Documentary: Witnesses to the Storm 
                     (citizens of Gloucester)

                      Dolby Digital 5.1 EX

                     Domestic Theatrical Trailer

                     DVD-ROM: Previsualizing the Storm Gallery of 
                     Downloadable Craft Minidocumetaries

                     DVD-ROM: Original Theatrical Web Site

                     DVD-ROM: Synchronous Online Screenings and 
                     Other Web Events

                      DVD-ROM: Theatrical Trailer Sampler of other DVD Titles

                      English/French (Quebec) languages

                      English/French subtitles

                      Featurette: Creating an Emotion

                      Production Sketch Gallery with commentary by 
                      Wolfgang Peterson

                      Storyboard Gallery
C's Final Word - PROPER!

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