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Today's Shaft is still the coolest, which is just what you'd expect from a man whose uncle and mentor is John Shaft (Richard Roundtree). Danger is everywhere and so is Shaft when he hunts down a racist killer, a terrified eye-witness, and a venemous druglord out for revenge.

One thing I dislike about about this movie is the fact that while the movie seems to strive to avoid stereotypes of African American characthers it seems to lay it on really thick when it comes to Latino stereotypes. The character of Peoples, a Domincan drug dealer, is played with a shmaltzy accent that borders on the absurd. While the character is played brilliantly by Jeffrey Wright, it seems to be out of place here in a film by a director who shuns and works to break stereotypes. I am not going to even mention the Italian family with the two brothers named Frankie and Vinnie.

I will get off of my soapbox now to say that I really enjoyed this movie. Samuel Jackson makes an awesome Shaft, and the creative team behind this film was wise enough not to try to erase Roundtree's equally awesome character, but incorporate him into the storyline. Big Ups!

While the race killing seems to be too convenient of a plot device for this film it still works here. Bale plays this smarmy bastard to the hilt, we love to hate him, and cheer at every little thing that happens to him along the way.

Shaft is back, Shaft is cool, Shaft should become a franchise, lord knows it has restored my faith in Singleton as a director. Remember Boys In Da Hood? Well that Singleton is back with Shaft!


                        "Bad Man" R. Kelly Music Video

                        "Theme From Shaft" Isaac Hayes Music Video

                        Shaft: Still the Man A Making-of Featurette

                        Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround

                        Dolby Digital French Dolby Surround

                        Dyanmic Interactive Motion Menus

                        English Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

                        Exclusive Cast and Crew Interviews

                        Scene Selection

                        Theatrical Trailer

                        Widescreen Version Enhanced for 16:9 TVs

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