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Not as good as regular superheroes, but definitely better than you! The Specials, comprised of the sixth or seventh greatest superhero team in the world, need to improve their image. Unfortunately, they spend more time bickering about love affairs, finances and publicity, then they do catching Super Villains. However, The Specials’ luck may soon change The Weevil (Rob Lowe), The Strobe (Thomas Hadden Church), Amok (Jamie Kennedy) and the rest of the The Specials hope to gain immortality with their own line of action figures…the superhero equivalent of an Academy Award.

I briefly heard about this movie late last year in radio promos. Even then it had sounded interesting. However, when it opened in Manhattan I was sure it would come to my town, but then it was gone. I felt cheated and rightfully so. This is a damn good movie. Now I have to warn you this is not an action movie, there is now spectacular effects, it is about these people, these superheroes lives. Having said that, the movie is a marvel of independant film making. The script shines and the characters remain true to themselves as they would in any good drama, and this, for all intents and purposes is a superhero drama. I found myself enjoying these character's company, and wondered what their lives would be like after the film faded to black. If you are a fan of any of the actor's or if you even remotely like comic books you must check this movie out.

I know what you are saying, been there done that with Mystery Men, That movie left me very disappointed, this one made up for that disappointment.

The dvd is anamorphic, enhanced for 16x9 televisions, there are some deleted scenes as well as a commentary. The commentary is entertaining as well informative. For added laughs the disc contains the commercial for the SPECIALS dolls.


                                Widescreen presentation

                                Audio commentary 
                                Wedding Featurette
                                Commercial Featurette

                                Deleted scenes

C's Final Word   -  PROPER!

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