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"AmongTheDead Incident!"
Ok by now I'm sure that you've all read about the grievous news that happened in the Juggalo world recently. I will admit that it brought tears to me eyes while reading it. Here's my take on it. *I'm sorry if it is hard to follow in some spots.*I don't condone what the Juggalo Among The Dead from did. I do however somewhat understand the feelings he had. I don't know if I've ever told you guys but I was suicidal back in day. I don't mean back in like Junior High or early High School. I'm talking back in late elementary school. I just wanted to die, I didn't care how or anything I just wanted to kill myself. I went so far as to try a few times in a couple different ways. My mom stopped me each time and got me some help from a psychologist. I still get those thoughts now and then but I am able to step back and talk myself out of em. Back then I was thinking no one cared, the world would be better off without me, and some other thoughts that didn't help at all. I now am able to see that if no one cared at all my mom wouldn't have stopped me. I am able to see the impact that it would do to my close friends and family. Death is always hard,but when someone takes their own life it is so much harder on everyone because among other things they think it's their fault in someway. If only I had been able to stop him, if only I had been able help him in some way, if only I had seen the signs sooner, if only if only if only. Those that survive must realize that they must not dwell on this fact. It is indeed a sad thing but, as with other deaths, they must move on with their lives. My condolences go out to this juggalos friends and family along with anyone else who has lived through such a traumatic experience. If you need to talk hit me up. And to anyone who is considering suicide as an escape Please PLEASE PLEASE talk to me. I will not lie and act like I know everything you are going through because everyone's life is different I will on the other hand listen and talk with you. You must realize what suicide does to those around you. You may not think that you mean nothing to everyone out there but there is a saying that comes to mind right now*yes it is corny but it applies.* It goes as fallows, To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world. Please talk to me or someone else if you are considering suicide.

My contact info is
yahoo: psychopathic_ryda13

Peace and MWCL
Demented Ninja
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