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Ryda Reviewz
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Anybody Killa
  by HomiCyde!
"Hatchet Warrior"


Aight yall,HomiCyde up in this mutha fucka wit a review of ABK's new album Hatchet Warrior.First and foremost,Ima just say this.This album is the mutha fuckin biggidy bizomb.Anybody Killa is on some deep shit wit this yall,and the Psychopathic Family is in full effect up on that bitch too.Listen for Monoxide comin skrate mean on Ghetto Neighbor in particular.Mike P. once again shows us that he was fuckin born to be in the Psychopathic Family.I love every track on here from the intro to,of all things,In The City,a cover of an old school Eagles song.Now yall know ABK is the shit if he can make the Eagles shit sound good! LOL I've heard a lot of different things said about ABK,a lot of peeps are talkin shit about him.But I'll just say this,if you can't hear how fuckin fresh he is,yall are fuckin deaf.For all yall that don't have Hatchet Warrior yet,I advise you to pick that shit up.Aight,I've said my piece.I'm out yall.MMFHRJL PZ!


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