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"My So Called Life....."

So instead of putting up essays I decided I'll just put up random thoughts... okay fine its the same thing really... but whatever, its like a semi journal thing, cept its not so I dunno what you would call it...Its my life right??? I guess you'd call it 'My So Called Life...'

Monday, June 10th 2002.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!! Yup! It was my baby's 19th birthday!! Awww... but it sucks cause I couldn't be with him....=( I woulda taken him out and done all this cool stuff despite how he says its no biggie for him, so I thought I'd show him birthday Helen-style... Oh well I guess we'll just have to wait till we get back to Michigan... *tear tear*... sadness..... So not much I woke... went to get my hair cut FINALLY... it felt so good... and then I sat home all day... ran around trying to get polaroid film, didnt actually find any... (sweated up a storm finding it...) then I went out with mommy to get uhhh... DAMMIT! I hate it when i know what they're called in Chinese and not English... 'jong'... some festive rice food majiggy... that's the best I can do sorry!~ and then working on some MORE homepage... wow the things I do to keep you people entertained! Trying to figure out how I can attach audio clips onto my page and CHINESE!!! dammit.. I thought it worked but it came up as jibberish... *sniff* ALLIE!! helllppppppp!! Your a GODDESS at this!! teach me!!! Eh.. so that's my day for ya!

Tuesday, June 11th 2002
Not much... FINALLY went to renew my ID card today... and I thought I was gonna have to sit there forever so I go well prepared with my book and my MD waiting to spend my day at the immigration when it turns out that I dont even think I was there for an hour... hahah coolness.... Anyways, it was all raining and stuff today, which I HATE in HK cause the rain's all gross ( acid rain probably), people are all up in your face with their umbrellas and you get splashed and all yucky and stuff, ew, so yeah I go to the post office to send stuff off and go back to Causeway Bay and I'm looking for a present right, and I can't find it... I like pretty much walk ALLLL of Causeway Bay and I can't find it. I didnt think it would be so hard...I could have SWORN I used to see it everywhere... *sigh* I guess not, BUT! I finally found it in toys R us! hahaha of all places right? Only to realise that they're out of stock though! Grrr.... how annoying is that?!?! Maybe I'll go to the one in TST sometime to check it out.

Been so bored since Hilda's gone to work...=( but then Kam's back soon and the munchkins so it's all good... heheheh and then we'll take over LKF and ING again... even though it's all quiet now... bah.. but its always fun to be out with them providing that they're not all drunk... hahahaha. Cant wait till people are all back! Which is pretty much next week or so... yaye! I miss you guys!! Islanders class 2001 baby!! hehehe okay Im sad I know... Eric! You have to come back!

Anyways, so I met up with Hilda after work and we check out California Fitness Center right?? hahah that was quite a trip... and then we went to Starbucks and got free samples of EVERYTHING for the whole time we were there... so dinner was NOT needed, hahhahha then went to LKF to see some peeps. Pooped! and talking to my boy.. yaye... down time!!! =)

Wednesday, June 12th 2002
SoOoooo... I did jack today.... woke up late, I was just hella tired, couldn't open my eyes... hahaha and then I had these weiiiirrrddd dreams ( not that you care)woke up, ate, loafed around some and then went to the gym, worked out for an hour and a half, showered, loafed some more, dinner, watched S.Africa VS Spain and now Im back here... my life's boring I know.

Thursday, June 13th 2002
Mad props to me because I've been writing in this thing everyday just to keep y'all updated on my boring life... hahahahah. AANNNYYYYWAAAYYYSSSS as usual I didnt do much, woke up I bummed for a bit and I read some accounting ( lets just say I didn't do so hot in that class last semester) and then I went to work out... and I REALLY didnt feel like it but Im glad I did, it turned out to be a pretty good work out. Then I met Cheryl, Christal, her friend Justin, David, Hong and Kate for dinner at Banana Leaf... it was sooooooo good! ate way too much!! which is bad considering I worked out... probably ate it all back.... yikes! It was a good dinner! Just chilling with peeps and enjoying a good meal, then Cheryl, Chris, Justine and I went to Totts at the Excelsior. Im beginning to really like the 'highlights' too bad they're not staying for much longer =( Its such a nice place too you know? Oh wells, turned out to be a pretty good day all in all! Then Hilda calls me on her way home and she's drunk... or mad tipsy... I couldnt really tell and she was ranting and raving... highly amusing as usual. I SWEAR all my friends are alkys! Im just good little girl that knows her limit and takes care of the drunk one... hahahhaha... Im just cool like that! *lol* I know!

Saturday, June 15th 2002
So I went out yesterday with mom for dinner at some japanese place... it was good... but it could have been better.... then met up with friends for drinks. All in all it was a good night, ended up in totts again but it was fun! =) Dragon boat festival today cept everyone in the family had plans except for me... well I HAD plans but I got ditched... oh well another boring day for me... went to work out again except this time at the cricket club. Niiiccceeee place!! hehehe I feel like Im losing that ONE pack that I own already bugger. Oh well.... gonna go out with mom again for dinner... must make sure I dont eat too much tonight. People are finally comming back, so that should be interesting. Aiights, thats it from me.

Sunday, June 16 2002
Woke up and had more 'jong' today... and then I met up with Hilda and went to sunbathe at the cricket club ( even though there was barely any sun... but hey I got a tan anyways from the UV rays) and we just talked about life, love and all else in between. But it was good just talking about everything and anything you know? Then we ventured into Central got some more phonecards and then went to Causeway Bay for dinner for Father's Day... it was a good dinner =) Oh well I think it was a good day =) Alex is going away tomorrow for 2 weeks...=( I'm gonna miss him so much... *waves* bye bye baby....* tear tear* hopefully I still get to talk to him....

Monday, June 17th 2002
*sigh* monday.... Alex went off to work today... so dont get to talk to him and nothing to look forward to at the end of the day... ballz... so yeah... but it was an aiight day... woke up relatively early actually, my grandma calls me and wants to drop off Lychee's but of course I couldnt do that and I told her that I'd pick it up from her place tomorrow... so I have to make my fricken way to North Point tomorrow... greeeaatttt. Went out to Karaoke with a BUNCH of Highschool peeps which was mad chill cause I hadnt seen them in forever, good seeing people again. I miss my highschool days, despite how silly we might have been. Anyways then went to the gym and worked out for a while but there were WAY too many people and there was this freaky dude that was following me around and then stand next to the equipment I was using and started grinning... so I was mad disturbed, left after like 1/2 an hour cause I couldnt be bothered to wait for equipment, so yeah not much of a work out today maybe tomorrow...

Oh I got called today from that PR consulting firm that I wanna work in this summer for an interview!! SCORE! Ohhh yeaaahhh... U KNOW! kinda freaky cause I know jack about the company and I tried to find their website online but I couldnt...I guess their a small firm... but yeah thats not good... shieet.... yeah so I dunno what Im gonna do...

Anyways... hella tired dood, so Imma pass out... Lates! ZZZzzzZZZZ

Tuesday, July 2nd 2002
WOAH.... you guys are mad behind on my updates!! lol my badz! I got lazy! hehehehe, anyways, so somewhere along the lines, I get that internship from that PR consulting firm that I was trying to get into!! so scoreeeeee!!! heeelllllzzzzz yeaaaahhh! and I start work NEXT monday! Brilliant I get to play a lil more! anyways, a lil sad though cause all my days are gone! =( its okay, Im still happy! I hope I learn lots! Anyways spent the long weekend ( It was national day to celebrate the hand-over 5 years ago, for those of you who dont, didnt know!) shopping for my work stuff! it was pretty fun actually!! hahahaha so I have shoes, clothes, the works! heheheheh anyhows! managed some good shopping in MANGO too! this great European brand! got this fancy dress....*lol*

Krish came back, so we went out last night! It was awesome now I just gotta wait for the other 2 to come back! Been having a lil bit of a crisis but that was sorted out last night.... *hopefully!* and now I just have to wait.... and I hope I dont have to wait for too long! bit anxious you see! ANNNNNNYYYYWWWWAAAAYYYZ been chillin at Totts alot, 'The Highlites' last night was on Saturday so we were there! so sad to see them for the last time! Miss them already! but the next bad seem to be great too so Im sure we'll be back too! Been caught up with the World Cup! It was good! BRAZIL! Champions of the 2002 world cup! hell yeeaah! that's it really! Been working out at the CC instead and its great there! just a bitch to get there but its worth it! SOOOOO much better than where I used to hit up, but then that was closer.....okay thats it from me!

Wednesday, July 3rd 2002
I dunno why I write this cause I swear to God no one ever comes on to my website and even if I do, no one loves me cause none of you sign my fricken guest book! what the hell is wrong with you people?!?!? Dont make me look like a loser, sign the guestbook please? I fricken signed yours! and if you have a Xanga site. TRUST me I've been on it and if I could comment I would but I cant since I aint a member... so there! *lol*

Soooo I met up with Hilda, Kam, Krish for lunch at the infamous 'noodle box' it was aiight, could have been better if I actually got my ORIGINAL order...thanx to Kam, hahaah but anyways, went to Shop s'more at Mango, blew away bucks....and then realised that the dude short changed me in noodle box.... went all the way back and got my money back..... went home cause I needed to change before the gym.... and it was rather interesting, cause Kam and I are like running to catch this bus and then it stops at the red light and the assholic driver doesnt open the fricken door for us.... theres HK bus drivers for you! a-hole I tell you, worked out and went home! *lol* but Im like wearing these low riders today... and I can tell my work outs have been working cause my love handles shrunk!! Im coooooollllll gooooo hyper extentions!! heheheh I learnt that from my boyfriend.... hehehe he always teaches me all this cool stuff!!! yaye!!! *muah* you da best babe!!! anyways..... there's my exciting day for ya!

Tuesday, July 9th 2002
OMG.... You dont BELIEVE how ridiculous this is....this is my second day of work... and so far I sit at a desk and I do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.... Like Im serious.... why else do you think I'm like sitting here writing in my Im meant to be INTERNING but I like learn nothing. Like nobody's even bothered to come up to me and see how Im doing! this is GHETTO! I shouldnt be complaining cause I do this at home... but then hey at home I get to listen to music, watch TV... go out with my friends if I want to... talk on the phone, swim, workout... but NOOO Im stuck to my fricken chair! Sh***t. You know yesterday, I was SO BORED that I played 20 questions with Alex on ICQ... yah i was that bored that I was brazen enough to go onto ICQ on my FIRST day of work... lemme research or something... cause this is just... so sad....aiights gonna go... write more later..PEACE!

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