Theistic Satanism: Home > Philosophy > Religion reference > Ceremonial magic(k)

Information about various religions:
Ceremonial magic(k)
(Golden Dawn, Thelema, Chaos Magic etc.)

  1. Ceremonial magick(k) - general
  2. Non-Jewish Kabbalah
  3. Renaissance-era European occultism
  4. Enochian (John Dee)
  5. Golden Dawn (and related)
  6. Thelema (Aleister Crowley)
  7. Franz Bardon
  8. Chaos Magic
  9. The Necronomicon

If you know of any other good relevant websites besides those listed below, please let me know, and please let me know whether you want to be acknowledged publicly for your help.

  1. Ceremonial magic(k) - general

    See also the section on Hermeticism, alchemy, and related traditions on my Gnosticism page.

  2. Non-Jewish Kabbalah

    Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) as used by most kinds of (mostly non-Jewish) ceremonial magic(k)ians:

    See also the section on Jewish Kabbalah on my Judaism page.

  3. Renaissance-era European occultism

  4. Enochian (John Dee)

  5. Golden Dawn (and related)

  6. Thelema (Aleister Crowley)

  7. Franz Bardon

  8. Chaos Magic

    Although not specifically Satanic, Chaotes generally do tend to classify themselves as "Left-Hand Path."

  9. The Necronomicon

    Although the Necronomicon itself is fictional, Necronomicon themes have been used in ritual by both Chaotes and LaVey Satanists, both of whose theories of magic(k) explicitly allow the use of totally imaginary mythologies for their psychological value.

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