Theistic Satanism: Home > Philosophy > Religion reference

Information about various religions

Below are the beginnings of what I hope will eventually become a comprehensive collection of references on the religions of the world.

  1. The Abrahamic religions
  2. Other major world religions
  3. Some other ancient and traditional religions
  4. Modern Western occultism and neo-Paganism
  5. Some other modern Western religions, worldviews, etc.
  6. General resources on religion

  1. The Abrahamic religions

  2. Other major world religions

    • African and African Diaspora religions (Vodun, Santeria, etc.)
    • Hinduism (including Tantra)
    • Buddhism (including Zen)
    • Chinese traditions (e.g. Confucianism and Taoism)

  3. Some other ancient and traditional religions

  4. Modern Western occultism and neo-Paganism

  5. Some other modern Western religions, worldviews, etc.

  6. General resources on religion

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