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Skip & Jerry Mudge
6605 Mallard Park Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269
704 509-6603



By His Mother Kiele Cox

I am writing to you as a mother of two children. One a docile 19 month old, and the other an eternal newborn. My second son Brody died this past February one week shy of his due date. He was stillborn and as a result, I have no record with the state that his life ever existed – neither a birth or a death certificate. Yet, I assure you he was very much alive, and his legacy will live on in the lives of not only his family, but those he touched by his untimely departure. In many ways he has touched souls that were untouchable by any living person here on earth, those souls needed a more heavenly touch which my son provided. 

There is a Bill sitting in the NC Senate, Bill 1077 – Birth Certificate/Stillborn infants or Hunter’s Bill. Hunter’s Bill, if passed would provide families the comfort that their child was very much alive and is being honored and recognized as a life. It allows for future generations to know how many children a family was actually blessed with and to see into the heartache of those families who lost their children at or near birth. It allows the full story to be told on a child whose voice was quieted before it had the chance to cry out. Hunter’s Bill would apply to stillborn babies of gestational age 20 weeks and older, and will be retroactive.

When a mother or father loses a child to stillbirth, they are denied more than just the dream of what may have been. They are denied ever holding that life in their arms or hearing it. The state adds insult to injury by wiping the life out of the records – as if to say that it did not matter. I assure you that my son’s life had a far greater purpose than any of us will ever know, and my heart would take great comfort in knowing that future generations can discover this life – can discover Brody W. Cox, in our state records and know that he was alive – even if only for 39 weeks. 

We are at risk of this Bill not passing, as the public does not know that it is sitting in the Committee on Healthcare. I am asking you to consider writing your Senators to ask for their support and to ensure that this Bill is not lost, but is passed. I am asking you to ensure that Brody is not lost – that thousands of other tiny lights of life are not lost. 

Please write to me at or visit and I will provide you the name and numbers of who you can contact to help move this Bill through. Thank you for getting involved and helping to change the history of North Carolina.









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~Whitney Houston~

PAGE ADDED ~ 07/15/06