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Skip & Jerry Mudge
6605 Mallard Park Dr
Charlotte, NC 28269



~Author Unknown~

I said, 
"God, I hurt."
And God said,
"I know."

I said, "God,
I cry a lot."
And God said, 
"That is why I gave you tears."

I said, "God, 
I am so depressed."
And God said, 
"That is why I gave you sunshine."

I said,
"God, life is so hard."
And God said,
"That is why I gave you loved ones."

I said, 
"God, my loved one died."
And God said,
"So did mine."

I said,
"God, it is such a loss."
And God said, 
"I saw my Son nailed to the cross."

I said,
"God, but your loved one lives."
And God said,
"So does yours."

I said,
"God, where are they now."
And God said,
"Mine is on my right and yours is in the Light."

I said, "God, it hurts."
And God said, "I know." 



On October 26 I was lying on a lounge chair tied to an IV needle, watching the blood run out of my body.  I thought to myself, "This is not supposed to be part of my job as a mommy?"  But there I was at Red Cross, for my sons.
Nine years ago, the unthinkable happened: My only two sons were killed in a car crash.  Leon Jr. was 29 years old and Wayne was 28.  A friend of theirs, Keith Lyles, lost his life too.  After the police left that night, I felt like someone had ripped open my chest and cut half my heart out.  The pain was very real, even though no one could see it.
A lot of bereaved parents have a hard time functioning on the anniversary of their child's death, but I have always tried to do something in their memory.  I have kept doing "mommy" things, even with them gone.  Giving blood to help save others is something that Leon Jr. would still be doing today; he donated over 2 gallons.
When a nurse asked me, "Why did you come today?  Did someone call you or are you just being a good citizen?"  I explained that I'm giving to honor the memory of my only two sons who died nine years ago on that day.  As I spoke, I could feel my eyes watering and tears began to fall down my cheeks.  I was surprised that even now the tears still come.  Tears that are a sign of my deep love for them, which hasn't died.
Afterward, I went to their final resting place: Forest Lawn Cemetery on Freedom Drive.  Every year on October 26, I go alone to be with them and clean their graves.  Getting out the tools to clean the bronze stone reminded me of all the times I cleaned up after them when they were younger.
When I signed on to be a mom in 1961, I never thought cleaning graves was part of the job description; it's unnatural.  My sons were supposed to bury me and clean my grave.
Praise God, when I arrived to clean their graves, I saw a beautiful flower arrangement on the monument they share with their father.  It has silk rose-colored gladiolas and pink roses.  I have no idea who placed it there or even if it is for Leon Sr., Leon jr. or Wayne.  Maybe it was put there by accident.  I just know that seeing it there made my heart leap and helped make my day.  There are some things in life we don't have to know to appreciate.
After cleaning their bornze plaque and placing flowers in their vase, I bowed my head and prayed.  I thanked God for all the years I was privileged to love and care for them.  I thanked Him especially for making me their mom.  My job is not over yet. 

~Jerry Jonas Mudge~
The Charlotte Observer~







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PAGE UPDATED ~ 03/05/06