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Goesta Berling — more reviews

Atonement of Gosta Berling, The: Memorable drama, from the Selma Lagerlof novel, about a defrocked priest (Hanson) and his love for a young married woman (a pleasingly plump Garbo, in the role which brought her to world attention). Stiller was, of course, Garbo's discoverer and mentor. Several longer versions run between 105m. and 165m. Also known as GOSTA BERLING'S SAGA, THE SAGA OF GOSTA BERLING, THE LEGEND OF GOSTA BERLING, and THE STORY OF GOSTA BERLING.

An avid fan of GG, I was disappointed in discovering I would need to provide my own background music for the viewing of this picture. This lack of sound was not mentioned by Amazon. A silent silent is a bit too silent! I would have preferred some sort of archival recording attached, ideally one that was used for any historical screening of the film (the older the recording of the eldest screening, the better!) Also, as a die-hard collector, I was disappointed that Amazon did not include the length of play time for this picture. A necessary bit of information if more than one version of releases exist! And in this case, there are many historically significant versions!!! (Unfortunately for this collector, this version is not the director's cut!) Thirdly, for lack of another star, the original subtitles for this version often need more modern subtitles to explain the dialogue/story. Either some are overexposed or not well contrasted and most are illegible! Instead of giving this review the lowest possible (which apparently is not available anyway!), I give it one FULL star to Amazon for even having ANY copy of such film available for purchase, and one full star for artistic and historical significance: both the grandiose vision of "Moje"'s direction (however, unfortunately an extremely choppy version to his original epic-length version) and then most especially for GG's acting work - the recording of this film goddess' prepubescent acting is worth viewing, regardless of any technical conditions or mishaps.

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