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Goesta Berling / Goesta Berlings Saga/La légende de Goesta Berling (1924)

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Very long epic film, some versions last about 3 hours. A former priest (Hanson) and his relation with a married woman (Greta Garbo). This movie got good reviews and brought the attention of german-french director G.W. Pabst. In those times Mauritz Stiller was the most famous movie-director in Sweden, his work was admired in the States too. Swedish directors were the first ones to screen the real nature (fire, mountains) without using studios.
Ein seines Amtes enthobener Pfarrer kommt auf Abwege, verliebt sich in eine junge Gräfin und wird von ihr gerettet. Nach einem Roman von Selma Lagerlof.  

Gösta Berling est un prętre dégradé, que son ivrognerie a fait exclure de son ministčre. Engagé comme précepteur dans uns famille aristorcratique, il y rencontre une comptesse italienne, Elisabeth Dohna, et, tout de suite, c'est entre eux l'amour fou, mais un amour qui va ętre soumis ŕ unesérie d'épreuves purificatrices: elles achemineront Gösta sur la voie de la rédamption.

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Director: Mauritz Stiller, Script: Ragnar Hylten-Cavallius, based on the novel by Selma Lagerlöf. Director of photography: Julius Jaenzon. Released March 10 1924, Stockholm

Cast: Lars Hansen (Gösta Berling), Gerda Dahlström (Mrs. Major Samzelius), Hilda Forslund (her mother), Otto Elg-Lundberg (Major Samzelius), Sixten Malmerfeld (Melchior Sinclair), Greta Garbo (Elisabeth Dohna)