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Anna Karenina I / Love /
Anna Karénine (1927)

Nach Leo Tolstoy's Roman in zwei Versionen gefilmt. Das amerikanische Publikum verlangte nach einem neuen Film des berühmten Paares aus "Es war". Die beiden hatten mittlerweile ein tatsächliches Verhältnis, ("Garbo and Gilbert in "Love").

The public was demanding another one of Gilbert and Garbo. Based on the novel of Leo Tolstoy two endings were filmed, a happy end and tragic end. Theater owners could choose, both versions of "Love" were hits for MGM.
Director: Edmund Goulding. Script: Frances Marion, based on the novel "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoi and on the adaption by Lorna Moon. Director of photography: William Daniels. MGM.

Cast: Greta Garbo (Anna), John Gilbert (Count Alexej Vronsky), George Fawcett (Grand Duke), Emily Fitzroy (Grand Duchess), Brandon Hurst (Karenin). Released November 29, 1927 N.York.

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