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Welcome to Kosmikloud. I have attempted to make this site easily navigated and quicker to load. Don't you just hate those sites that take forever to show the page ?
There are many theories on the  "Secret Of Life " and having been through many hardships, adversities and loss of loved ones, I can truly say that "Humor" is a very important ingredient in the
" Secret Of Life " without it, what would keep us sane ? If you enjoy this site, please e-mail me and let me know, and please share with all your friends. A "Smile" isn't a Smile until it's given away !

A Smile's A Gift You Give Yourself

A smile's a gift you give yourself
by giving it away
Because it comes right back to you
In a warm and friendly way.

A smile can speak a thousand words
Wherever you may be,
In simple unassuming ways
That anyone can see.

A smile shows you understand
When hearts fill with pain,
For it sheds a little sunshine
Where there was only rain.

A smile spins a cheerful web
That binds us one and all
With threads of human kindness
Wherever they may fall.

A smile's a rose that when returned
Becomes a Spring bouquet...
A smile's a gift you give yourself
By giving it away.
Clay Harrison