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Fund  Raising
An effective, Fun way to get Money
for Good causes.


The Meeting and Committee
Selecting Chairman's
Budgets and Goals
Date and Location
About Prizes and Booths Games
Wholesale Outlets

School, Church and Youth groups, Fraternal organizations and charities require
cash inflow. Most of these associations are deeply involved in working
toward community improvement. Helping people is expensive.

Carnivals, Bazaars and Festivals are ideal ways to raise vitally important funds. In addition
to attracting cash, such gala events also serve the purpose of drawing people together. The
members of various planning committees become better acquainted.
They take great pride in their work and the good feeling spreads throughout the community.
Young and old, everyone has a chance to pitch-in.
Raising funds through  carnivals,bazaars and festivals  totally eliminates the need for solicitation.
Asking for cash contributions can be awkward, embarrassing and irritating. Even the most
generous people often try to avoid such confrontations. But it's easy to spend money on Fun...

I wish you much Success in your Event !