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Second Floor


Back Door

The Five Cent Tour

As given by the lovely and talented Miss Cats MacMillan

The Five Cent Tour, absolutely free for today only. Come on, let's start at the front...

Front of LH:
Regular brick/stone house in the neighborhood of Ravenswood, in Queens. The front door is painted dark green. There are windows with matching green shutters, and flowers grow in the flowerbeds under the windows in the summer. The LH is three stories (counting the attic).
It's residents can often be found lounging on the stone steps. It's on a busy street, so it's always interesting. We're also quite close to Ravenswood ((note: today it's Queensbridge)) Park. There's a smallish Italian resteraunt not too far to the right if you're facing the house called Larry's; it's pretty damn good. Moving inside...

First Floor

Front hallway:
Old, threadbare rug. Wall-mounted oil lamps. Leads to Lobby/Front Desk. Not terribly exciting. Wipe your damn feet.

Front Desk/Lobby:
Another old, threadbare rug, with a door leading to coatroom. The front desk itself is large and wood, and behind it are large shelves, in which keys, folders, books, et cetera, et cetera are stacked haphazardly. All rent money, important or secret files are kept locked in the desk. On the desk is a leatherbound ledger, a fountain pen and an ink well, a bell, and other desky things. On the left is the staircase, along with the doors that lead to the kitchen, the Parlor, and the downstairs (company) bathroom, which people really aren't supposed to use. On the right, doors lead to the dining room, guest room, (aka the red-light district) "spare room" (aka the junk room), and to the back hallway.

Back hallway:
Back stairs. Small washroom (Molly's), door that leads to Molly's bedroom. Small den full of Jacob Corcoran's old stuff. Den and Molly's room off limits. Back door at end of hallway leads to alleyway out back, which leads out to 36th Avenue. From there you can go just about anywhere.

Small, should be clean. Molly used to do most of the cooking, but excepting dinner, which someone will have on the table in the dining room by seven, it's pretty much a help yourself sort of deal. Has a dumbwaiter that leads to the girls' bunkroom; if you ever get woken up at ridiculous hours with requests for food from the boys, this is why. We have a special way to deal with them that I'll show you when the opportunity arises.

Dining room:
Medium sized, too small to hold nearly fifty people. It's cramped as hell when everyone is in it, which is usually never. Breakfast and dinner are served here. Molly makes breakfast--when she's up to it, that is, which lately she hasn't been. *shrugs* Dinner's usually a collaborative effort--Crash can really cook, though. Long wood table, chairs, stools, overturned buckets, anything that works as a makeshift chair. Crucifix on the wall. Paintings, lamps, etc. Nothing terribly interesting. Moving on...

"Spare Room" and the Guest Room:
Both used to be her childrens' rooms. The main feature of the guest room is the large four poster bed, three guesses why. Spare room has various pieces of furniture, including a smaller bed that isn't nearly as dusty as the rest of the things, cabinets, files, boxes, etc. Mops, brooms, dustbins, etc. are kept in a closet in here. Is sometimes home to one or two kittens. Side Note: If I were you, which I'm not, but if I were, I wouldn't come in either of these rooms without knocking first, especially after hours. *coughs pointedly*

Upstairs- Floor 2

Day Room:
Small. Has a couch, two chairs, and a table. A lounge-type area. Nice for lounging when the weather's nasty.

On the Left:

Girls Bunkroom:
Large, spacious room- crammed full of bunks. Twelve, to be exact, with one mattress in the corner, currently empty (it's for out-of-towners to crash, but when we're not full we usually let them grab an empty bunk). There's a closet, a gigantic bureau, which we share, and a large window with a fire escape. Also: a lamp, a large mirror, and a basket of kittens who are getting much too big and rowdy.

Between Bunkrooms:

Upstairs Bathroom:
One sink. One toilet. One mirror. One tub. Fifty kids.
I have dibs on the tub.

On The Right:

Boys Bunkroom:
Same as girls, except minus the kittens. Twelve bunks, mirror, closet, bureau, window with fire escape. Mattress in corner. Watch for puddles of frog pee.

Further to the Right

The Library:
Smallish room, looks like a typical library. Shelves line the walls. Two or three chairs and a table. Don't kick your feet up on it, Molly hates that.

Upstairs- Attic (Floor 3)

Not much of interest. Lots of old furniture, trunks, mementos of Jacob, etc. A favored resort of the more intimate couples when the guest room is occupied.

Further Upstairs- The Roof

From here you can see most of Queens--or at least a whole lot of buildings. If you squint you can see Roosevelt Island--if you really squint you can see Manhattan. And if you turn around, which I wouldn't reccomend, you can see Ice and Caesar. Back inside we go.

*dusts hands off* And there you are, our lovely home. Exciting, isn't it?

Back to the Lobby