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Second Floor


Back Door

Where you pay to share one bathroom with 49 other people, 6 cats, and a frog!


Cats: *stands back and ushers you inside* Go on, get in there. *follows* This, as you can see, is the lobby. Isn't it lovely?

Ali: *hangs back and watches Cats give the tour, nodding agreement*

Cats: *gestures around grandly* I can give you the five cent tour if you like, or you can head straight on upstairs and find an open bunk, or if you're hungry we can stop in the kitchen, it's up to you.

Ali: *continues to nod* *yep, those are the options*

Cats: *continues with nary a pause for breath* Rent is free the first night, then two cents a night after that and includes free run of the kitchen, payable weekly, monthly, or nightly. *has obviously practiced that part*

*both of them stare at you then, obviously expecting some sort of reply* *what do you do, hotshot?*


Girls: 6 || Boys: 5

The Five Cent Tour

On the First Floor:

Bulletin Board
Girls' Mailboxes
Boys' Mailboxes
Front Desk (rules, application, legal jargon, leaders, timeline)
Parlor (chat)
Guestroom (Character Index)
Spare Room (etc)