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Marvel Comic First Appearance: Uncanny Xmen #266, Aug. 1991, $1.00

Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #1: Night of the Sentinel P1, Season 1, Oct. 31, 1992

Movie First Appearance: N/A

Gambit Was Created By: Jim Lee & Chris Claremont


A quick comment:   Back to Misc: Review M-V      Teletran-1

This is my second The Uncanny Xmen Gambit action figure.  I got the UXmen Gambit on Mar. Xix, Mmiv from Ebay for $V ($X) from Ebay.


R-0 Gambit's motto and tech spec. from the 1992 Impel Trading Card:  : 

Affiliate: XMen | Subgroup: blue team | Power: kinetic energy |

| STR 2 | INTL 2 | ENE PROJ  3 | MENTAL POW 1 | F SKILL 5 | SPD 2 |

Gambit Uncanny Xmen's Motto:

Not Applicable.


Gambit's Bio from the back of the Uncanny Xmen card:

Gambit has the mutant ability to take the energy of any object and put it to his own use.  That use usually means turning the object into a deadly weapon.  Gambit is a martial arts expert with a lightning-fast karate kick.  When battling multiple attackers, Gambit relies on his Techno Battle Staff for additional assault power.

Also see Gambit's 1994 Marvel Metal tech spec or the Gambit's 2003 Marvel Legends tech spec.


These images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Gambit fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 UXMen Gambit in its Original condition:

gambituxmenorig.jpg (70375 bytes)1 - Here's The Uncanny Xmen Gambit in it's original card.

2 - Back of the card

3 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" Gambit action figure, "1" staff, and "1" trading card of Polaris.


R-2 UXMen Gambit's Action Figure:

gambituxmenac1.jpg (46505 bytes)The character Gambit didn't debut in the Xmen world until Aug. 1991.  One year later, his first action figure was released as part of the Toy Biz Uncanny Xmen line up Series 2 in 1992.  The figure as a whole is okay, but the soft vinyl plastic trench coat is hideous.  The color application is too bright on him, both the blue and pick need to be toned down.  As for Gambit's eye pupil, it's actually white, not red at all.  It's really hard to fault Toy Biz when Gambit Comic first Appearance Uncanny Xmen #266 seems to show him with white pupil.  See R-5 as to why there's a peg on Gambit back.


R-3 UXMen Gambit without the Trench Coat:

gambituxmenac2.jpg (42942 bytes)The ads mentioned that Gambit's trench coat can be removed.  Unfortunately, the coat collar is made of hard plastic and is part of the figure itself which made Gambit looks very odd.  Normally, the sleeve on Gambit arm should be colored all black with pink stripe just like his pant, but this is not the case.  See R-5 as to why there's a peg on Gambit back.


R-4 UXMen Gambit with the Staff:

gambituxmenac3.jpg (45118 bytes)The staff measures approximately 1/8" in diameter and 4" in length.  Overall, the staff is very detail and is made of soft plastic.  The mid of the Staff has a huge thickness to prevent the rod from falling off Gambit hand.  Image on the left give you some sort of idea how he looks with the staff in hand.  I think it's okay.


R-5 UXMen Gambit's Special Feature & Trading Card:

gambituxmenac4.jpg (73287 bytes)On the back of Gambit's back, there is a peg that stick out.  This little peg activated a power kick from the right leg when press down.  This special feature is actually a double sword things, it's both positive and negative.  The positive not is that the right leg kick by itself.  On the other hands, you can't move the right leg manually to give Gambit a different posture.  If you try to force it, you might break the mechanism and Gambit won't be able to use the power kick feature.


In addition to the staff, Gambit also comes with a Polaris trading card which was inserted randomly to each figure.  This same trading card that came with each figure was also sold separately too.  The trading card that come with the toy has a Toy Biz logo (purple) in addition to the Xmen logo (green) on the back of the card.  Other than this, both card are totally identical.  I have enclosed a Gambit trading card for those that wonder what his card would look like.  If you observed the two back card carefully, you will see Polaris back card embed with the ToyBiz logo while Gambit doesn't because I purchased his trading card separately from the toy.


R-6 Rémy's UXMen Gambit action figure review:

Manufacturer: Toy Biz with Marvel permission.

Line, Series/ Wave: The Uncanny Xmen Line, Series 2.

Year Issue: [1992]  

Made: [China] 

Scale: [N/A]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - Approximately 10 X 7 X 1 1/2 - MOSC.

Packaging Method: Mint On Sealed Card.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Place on a clear plastic tray: "1" Gambit action figure, "1" staff, and "1" trading card of Polaris.

Box/Card Special Note: Front Card Appearance: Gambit art work.  Back Card Appearance:  Gambit's bio and an ads of the following characters: Marvel Electronic Talking Action Figure Line [Spiderman, Punisher, Hulk, Venom, Wolverine, Magneto, and Cyclops].  X-Force Line [Cable, Warpath, Shatterstar, G.W. Bridge, Kane, Stryfe, Gideon, Deadpool, and Forearm].  The Uncanny XMen Line [Wolverine (original costume), Storm, Archangel, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Colossus, Juggernaut, Magneto, Apocalypse, Weapon X, Forge, Iceman, Wolverine II (JimLee uniform), Gambit, Banshee, Wolverine III (UXmen uniform), Sabretooth, Magneto II (JimLee uniform), Mr. Sinister, and Sauron].

Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head 4 3/4.  Maximum Height: 4 3/4  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 1 10/16.  Maximum Width: 1 10/16.  Dept: 1 1/8

Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print:  ©1992 MARVEL, CHINA, TOY BIZ INC.

Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print Location:  Can be found on the back of Gambit's thigh, left thigh is for the Marvel and China text, while the right thigh is for the Toy Biz text.

Paint Quality: [C] - Just good.

Material Durability: [B] - Very durable.

Materials: Die Cast Metal:  N/A .  Chrome Part: N/A  Rubber: N/A  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: N/A.

Stability: [B] - Pretty stable.

Fun Figure: [-B] - With the staff and spring leg kick, I thought it pretty decent.

Negative Drawback: It looks kind of silly with the collar is still attached onto the figure when the coat is removed.  The eye pupil need to be painted red not white.  Right now, he looks like a zombie.  The plastic trench coat on Gambit looks very awkward.

Articulations:  Head: Can be rotated at a 360 degree sidewayg. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree forward/ backward.  Arm/ Elbow: Can be bent at a 90 degree angle. Wrist/ Hand: Cannot be bent or rotated. Hip/ Waist:  Cannot be bent or rotated sideway.  Leg:  Leg can only be swung 90 degree forward.  Knee: Knee can be bent at 90 degree.  Ankle/ Feet:  Cannot be bent or rotated sideway.

Action Figure Comic looks alike: [C] - Looks a little bit okay

Special Notes: Here are "2" special notes which I think you should know:

1 - Gambit trench coat is actually made of a vinyl plastic, so keep those scissor and sharp object away from the coat.

2 - Don't over uses his right leg or the power kick feature.  If it breaks, Gambit won't be able to stand.

Overall Grade: [-C] - Unless you are a diehard Gambit fan, then there is no reason to purchase this figure.  


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