In August, 2001, I finally fulfilled a life-long promise to myself and booked a week in Bimini with Wildquest to swim with wild dolphins. I was about to turn 50, and this was to be my personal Croning Ceremony, a rite to celebrate a woman's journey into her wisdom years.


There were 20 or so people in our group, along with the founders of Wildquest and a handful of their seasonal staff. We were about as diverse a group as you can get, all from different backgrounds and coming from all over the world. Yet, from the first moments, we became a family and this loving bond only deepened as the time passed. Was it a coincidence that some of the most beautiful people I'd ever known just happened to come to Bimini the same time I did? I don't believe there are "coincidences". When we follow our hearts, somehow kindred souls find each other, and when we do there is an instant recognition; a homecoming; a celebration of the soul.


Every second of every day of that week was filled with a million holy moments. Because these are wild dolphins, there is no guarantee that you will see, let alone have the opportunity to swim with them. In fact, many in the group had been there before and never saw a single dolphin. Yet every single day we not only saw large groups of them, we spent hours giggling and playing and being profoundly moved by these gentle sages of the sea. Again, you'll never convince me this was a coincidence. From the time you enter the water, you can feel their sonar resonating through you as if they were touching your soul, and I truly believe it was the beauty of the souls there that drew the dolphins in such large numbers. It was the light of loving hearts that created the the most magical moments of my life when it could have been just a nice week snorkling in the Bahamas. Different people, different customs, different languages, different species, all coming together to create a week of joy and magic and harmony- a glimpse of how the world could be if we all encountered each other with love in our hearts.


Two weeks later, on September 11th, we saw how the world is when we don't.


Somehow, through all the darkness and destruction of that day, tiny glimmers of light began to shine from all over the world. The light of loving hearts. And again, kindred souls have found each other and are coming together to help create the world I glimpsed that week in Bimini.


Harmony of Souls is one of those beacons of light and love. And though nothing can compare to my encounter with the dolphins, I feel deeply blessed to know each an every one of you. I haven't looked into your eyes, but I've seen the same ancient wisdom through your words. Your very souls resonate through your poetry and art. And though we may not have danced beneath the sea together, you have been graceful partners in the dance of life, teaching me new steps and helping me remember some I'd forgotten. Above all, like the dolphins, you've shown me how the world can be when we encounter each other with love in our hearts.


Once again, kindred spirits have found each other. It has been for me, a beautiful homecoming and I send my love and gratitude to all of you on this 1st Anniversary 'celebration of the soul'.


Love and blessings,




I'd never known a people so eager to laugh, so devoted to family,
so dedicated to each other... and the only word that came to mind
was "harmony".

~~from Dances With Wolves"




creative beauty embassy

One of the great joys of being in this group has been the opportunity to visit all of your beautiful sites in connection with the Creative Beauty Embassy. The biggest frustration has been trying to pick just one site out of all the amazing talent and creativity out there for Site of the Month. Fortunately there are 12 months in the year, and if I haven't nominated you yet, more than likely I have you bookmarked :)


Unfortunately, the founders and ambassadors are ineligible for awards, so my first three nominations were disqualified when I first came to this embassy. I've made special tributes to Beachcomber and Aradia for Creative Beauty's Anniversary page. Though Aradia is no longer an active member, her soul still radiates through every page and she will always be a part of who we are. And none of this would even exist if it were not for Beachcomber's vision and dedication.


But I saved one tribute for my own page. When I was unable to nominate her for Site of the Month I told her I might just have to make an award myself.....and that's just what I did for this anniversary. Her site is breathtaking, her poetry is magnificent, and I can't think of anyone who exemplifies 'creative beauty' more.


For all the work you do as Ambassador for Creative Beauty, and for being the loving, generous, beautiful soul that you are..........this one's for you, Soaring Spirit.





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"Pachebel's Canon in D" courtesy of Rob's Place in Cyberspace