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Supporting your sacramental
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(Time and Talent)
Renewed in Christ
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Community is made of many parts. We are all one body, and the gifts we have, we are given to share.
Let us all work together toward a strong stewardship parish, sharing our love, our kindness, our time, talent and treasure. For in doing this we become Renewed in Christ.
YOU'RE INVITED To: Be a Catholic Steward
WHERE: In your home, workplace, church and community
WHEN: Now, at this very moment
we move forward in our spiritual journey of discipleship with Jesus
Christ, we are led naturally to the practice of stewardship.
As Christian stewards, we the people of St.
Ignatius Loyola Parish have the opportunity to practice stewardship in our
relationships with our fellow parishioners. Many of us respond by sharing
our gifts of time and talents through the many ministries offered by our
Click here
for a list of some of the ministries offered at St.
Ignatius Loyola Parish.
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is a sacramental community: the work
of providing outward signs of God’s grace abounds throughout our Parish.
We are an evangelical community: St. Ignatius Loyola Parish spreads the Word of God
through our Religious Education program, R.C.I.A ., Adult Faith Formation and
our Parish Catholic School. Look at some of the data we have of our
sacramental and evangelical ministries for the year 2008:
Baptisms |
Children |
114 |
Adults |
11 |
First Communions
Children |
119 |
Adults |
11 |
Young Adult Confirmations
116 |
Weddings (09/2007
- 09/2008) |
23 |
Funerals |
128 |
Communion Hosts Distributed
(approximate) |
150,000 |
Children in Parish Catholic School |
331 |
Children in Religious Ed. Program |
725 |
Adults in R.C.I.A. |
11 |
People Served by Parish Outreach |
980 |
Faith Sharing Groups |
12 |
Parish Ministries or Activities |
over 60 |
Total Daily,
Holy Day and Sunday Masses |
993 |
The work of the Lord is surely being done here at
Ignatius Loyola Parish!
As you have seen in our weekly bulletins, our
expenses clearly exceed our collections. In order for us to continue with
our wonderful ministries, we need a greater commitment of giving from our
parishioners. Pray for our Parish. Consider how you are using the gifts of
treasure with which God has blessed you. Make a plan that meets your
challenge as a Christian steward. Then put the plan into action.
date last changed:
© Copyright 2009 Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Hicksville, New
York. All rights reserved.