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L.O.T.M. Yanks

Volume 17 August/September 2004 - Scoreboard Theme - Email: TheHighlander

Time To Pitch In!
Email: Michael Aubrecht Website: Pinstripe Press

EDITOR'S NOTE: Hello again, I hope you are all enjoying the last days of summer. This year, due to some scheduling conflicts, the August and September issues of The Highlander have been combined for a double issue. With myself involved in a major book publishing project, our family preparing for the birth of our third child and many of our writers enjoying vacation time with their families, it was collectively decided to take care of priorities above and beyond baseball. That said, the Aug/Sept issue is definitely worth the wait and as the pennant race heats up, so have the keyboards at the Pinstripe Press. As I sit here typing this, two days have passed since the 22-0 massacre over our beloved Bombers. It is a moment in Yankee history that most of us will never forgive or forget. (*see Fast Facts below) On a personal level, it is a moment in my life that refuses to go away as I have dozens of emails in my Inbox from friends in the Red Sox Nation. Thanks guys, like I don't have enough to do. Therefore my response will be published here to save us all some bandwidth...

Last year, and again a few months ago, I stated in two separate editorials that pitching (the lack of) would be the death of the modern Yankees dynasty. Well, I hate to say it but I TOLD YOU SO! The 22-0 debacle did not come as a big surprise to this faithful fan. However, the fact that it came at the hand of the Cleveland Indians did. Over the month of August we have blown a 10 1/2 game lead, and as September opens, our rival Beaneaters are closing in fast. The bottom line is this: We DO NOT have what it takes on the mound to make it through the postseason. We DO NOT have what it takes on the mound to win anything next season. The ball is literally in the hands of Mr. Steinbrenner and GM Brian Cashman. Invest in pitching. REAL pitching. MIDDLE RELIEF pitching. Hitting wins games, but pitching wins the World Series. Lately, we haven't been able to win either.

PRESS RELEASE: Author Michael Aubrecht has signed with Publish America to produce his first printed book, Onward Christian Soldier - The Spiritual Journey of Stonewall. Best known for his contributions as a baseball writer, Michael recently bridged his love of Civil War history and faith-writing for an inspirational study of one of American's greatest military icons. Sneak Peek

Return of L.O.T.M. Yanks
Submitted by Jorge "Mr. 161 Street-River Avenue" Catayi

EDITOR'S NOTE: This month, we are proud to announce the return of one of our favorites, the Land Of The Mighty Yanks.

In August of 2003, for some reason, I lost interest in keeping up the website. I missed running a sports team site, and then it was back in February of 2003 that I decided I was going to resurrect L.O.T.M. Yanks from the dead. I was not too enamored with the original design, so I thought I'd make the background lighter and the fonts smaller, e.g. more legible and more space - that is the reason I call it "version 2.0". Now the content, for the most part remains the same, but the design is a bit different. I'm not a big fan of flash or any other sort of new gimmicks, so I still have a site that is designed in an old school fashion. But the bottom line is this: Yankee fans can come here and still get all the information they need, whether the information is important, or just a little "good to know" information. I just hope Yankee fans will visit and they will enjoy what they've read; and I hope Yankee haters come here and come close to having a heart attack reading it. Either way I'd feel good.

"He'd give you the shirt off his back. Of course, he'd call a press conference to announce it." Catfish Hunter on teammate Reggie Jackson
#21 Paul O'Neill
Born: February 25, 1963 (Columbus, Ohio)
Outfielder 1985 - 2001

Source: YES Network and Official Website Bios

Forever a Yankee, Paul O'Neill is now a Pre and Post Game Studio Analyst for the YES Network. He played for 17 seasons and ended his big league playing career in 2001 after making six World Series appearances and earning five MLB Championship rings. Paul also played in five All-Star games and still remains one of the most beloved former Yankee players. He began his Major League baseball career in 1985 with the Cincinnati Reds. After eight seasons with the Reds, he joined the New York Yankees in 1993. Paul then went on to hold the American League batting title in 1994 with a .359 average. From July 23, 1995 until May 7, 1997, he played 235 games without making an error. In 1997, he led the American League in hitting with men on base with a .429 average.

Did you know... On August 25, 2001, Paul became the oldest major leaguer to steal twenty bases and hit twenty homeruns in the same season?

Yankees Trivia
Have a trivia question? Email it to us and maybe we'll use it.

What Yankee holds the record for the most grand slams in a season?

Fast Facts

Indian 22-0 Massacre: When all was said and done, New York had lost its fifth consecutive game in the Bronx, the first time this season that has happened -- and first time since May 2003. The 22 runs allowed were the most ever given up by the Yankees in their home ballpark, and the most runs they allowed since 1928, when the Indians won a 24-6 decision -- one of two 18-run defeats in New York history. The 22-run loss tied the largest margin of defeat in a shutout since 1900, equaling the mark set in 1975 by the Pittsburgh Pirates in a 22-0 win over the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field.

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