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There were Some Veterans in this Cemetery.

Some WWII , WWI , Korea and Vietnam

Some had flat stones only, others had footstones, and then others had the information on the back of their headstone as shown :

Alphabetical List of the Veterans

Adamczak Bronislaw Kubasik Gerald
Albertine Richard Lentz Frederick
Albertine William Leone Sam A
Anderson Raymond Mancino Peter C
Barbito Victor Manzella John A
Barlette Victor Marlitt Theron F
Blankenship Cecil Martinelli Anthony
Cain Theodore Martinelli Carl S
Calvo Domenica Messerre Carmello
Canfora Salvatore Montanez Cuto Wilfredo
Chirco Samuel A Jr Nasca Carl J
Cirrito Alfred Newcomb Millard
Damiano Joseph Novelli Donald C
Damico Lewis T Novelli Gillis V
Dentico Phillip M Pascaretta Anthony
Ditolla John J Patricelli Michael
Duino Anthony Porgorzelski Raymond J
Farina Robert Riola Charles A
Flagella Anthony Riveria Glorimar
Flagella Emanuel Russo Anthony B
Franks Julian Speziale Leonard
Galofaro Anthony Taddio John J
Grisanti Carl Taddio Theodore
Incavo Russell J Tenamore John
Ippolito Anthony Vinciguerra Joseph
Ippolito Benjamin Wordan Kenneth

To know more information about these, please look in the Interred List

If I have missed anyone not listed here, Please email me..

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