Boston - first to David Corey and Jon Ivey at Kiss 108 and the dream team - Matty Siegel and the morning show team - Billy Costa, Sue, Corinne, Jody and Ed McMann, Dale Dorman and "party man" Arty. My gratitude is immeasurable. Seth Greenburg - kid!. Patrick Lyons - thanx for the key to the city. Richie Balsbaugh - for all you've done in the past and all you'll do in the future (hint, hint). To Danny Ocean and Vanessa Dichellis at jam'n 94.5 thank you for your insight. Larry Moulter and Woolf Associates - thanks for the tix (hi to #4). Vinnie Del Zoppo and everyone at Blue Hill C.C. (the gin room wants this c.d. to do well). Mike Coz - buddy! Michael Hoey - c'mon goffah!. James "Bo" Cleary - seize the moment, kid. Joe Kelsey - good lookin' out, dog. Patrick Petty - the freshests wears in town, House of Culture. Ryan, all your work has payed off. You da man. David Marcellino - my ace in NYC. Lauren Martin Harkins - thank you for your spirit. To the Wahlbergs, the Woods and the Knights - thank you for raising four very important people in my life. To the Woolf family, thanks for your love. Love to the Rosenthal family.
Danny, Jimmy, Ellen and Lenny Lewin - you guys are the best.
Thanks to Maurice and Dick - I hope I made you proud. And to Nina, the sweetest girl in the whole world - I hope you always stay the same 'cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.
Jamaica Plain - the pond, the sugar bowl, the monument, pinardi's, classic cleaners, same old place, j.p. lick's and the town that is my home (sorry Brookline). And to two guys that need to get the hell out of there (but never will) Mike n' Ryland (that's Ryland, not roland, not rydel, not rahrah. Its R-Y-L-A-N-D). To my whole crew - gettin' my back all these years. Biz, Rice, Kev, Noodles, Dini, Egg, Radar, and Reggie. See you at the 'horn.
My family - I don't know how people get along without: 1) at least 7 sisters who are there all the time, even when you don't want them to be, and 2) a brother to be your fullback as you walk into the endzone. Judy - your talent and creativity inspire me. Alice - my godmother, you've always looked after me. Susan - you teach me how to care. Patricia - brings me home. Carol - your love for me makes me be all I can be. Jean - my moral meter. Kate - the great defender. And I know why I only have one brother because he's all any brother could ever want - the inimitable Tommy Mc, I love you, dude. To my parents, Katherine and Tom. You have given me so much. My only retribution is to live by the morals and values that you have taught me. And Mom, I promise to "be a good boy" and Dad I promise to "tell 'em who I am." My brothers in law Joe, Joe, Les & Greg and my beautiful sister in law, Stacy. To the cutest nieces in the world - Kayla, Audrey, and Leah. And the heir to my throne, Danny Jacobs. And to my godson, Seth. I love you all. Thanks to all my cousins - the McIntyres, uncle Dickie, the Bowens, the Youngs-Peach and the Roaches.
Lastly, the fans - the hard core ones, the crazy ones, the ones that grew out of it, the ones that grew into it, the ones in the past, the ones in the future, and you - the one that matters most, thank you for listening. I hope you understand where I'm coming from and where I'm trying to go. Its not too heavy, it's not too deep, but I believe in every word of it. I hope you do too.
Stay the same,
Joe Mac (signature)
Dedicated to Mr. Adams of Mission Hill. God called him a little too soon, but he lived with a spirit that could fill three life times. He was young at heart. Plus, he thought I was going to be the next Frank Sinatra. This one's for you, Mr. A.
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