Jerry Springer

by: Amy E.

Jerry Springer! Tracy, Chris, Amy, Christie, and Jessie were shocked to find out the most erotic experience of their lives was going to be televised! They had no idea that the New Kids were fighting over them! The only thing they were fighting over was “What girl liked what New Kid”!

They boarded the plane, wondering which guy called them to the show. As they sat down, Amy started on her “OMFG”s. “Amy, BREATHE” Tracy and Chris said at the same time. They all had a good laugh, wondering why after all that happened, Amy was nervous!

As they walked into the studio, they all were just a little shaky. They all had their reasons to not want this on TV. Christie was afraid her fiance would not accept her last night of fun. Amy was worried about her family; how could she live that experience down? Tracy prayed silently that Joe, her husband, didn't work that day and she could distract him. Jessie was worried about her friends who would NOT accept her New Kids days. Chris was worried that Donnie would find out all she did before him that night.

Jerry announced, “The strangest story of the New Kids on the Block, starts with The New Kids themselves!”

As the five guys walked on stage, you would have never known they were at one time friends. The looks exchanged said enough. They were going to fight, and that told the audience, that's why the New Kids were on the Jerry Springer show!

Jerry asked, “Who wants to start?” The guys looked at each other, never sure who was going to talk, they always seemed to interrupt each other. Jordan and Donnie both said, “I guess I will.” Donnie said, “Shut up you fucking dick.” Jordan just threw his hands up, “Whatever.”

The audience was the only ones to understand the story, the home viewers heard a lot of beeps.

Donnie started quietly, “Well, I love this girl, I can't help it, and they want her....I can't believe they would even.....” Jordan interrupted, “Well, we did all have her man, sorry.”

Donnie threw Jordan a look, and Jordan threw his hands up once more. Chris was backstage, and she could hear everything that they were saying. The tears wouldn't stop rolling down her cheeks. “What do I do? What? I don't want to lose him...I never denied that, but he thinks so much more of me. What do I do? Do you think he'll hate me? Do you think he'll ever want to see me again? Please, someone, what do I do?”

No one threw their arms around Chris. She was a ‘don't touch me’ kind of girl. Jessie started to, but the looks from Tracy and Amy told her not to.

Donnie continued...”I know what happened seemed like a backstage orgy, but it turned into so much more. Things like this happened all the time, but now that Joe has his solo thing, he thinks all the girls there are his, but not Chris.”

Jordan started to interrupt, but Donnie's obvious feelings stopped him. He felt bad for him. He felt bad for the whole situation. He didn't love Chris, if anyone, he wanted to see Tracy again.

“We had this party, we didn't invite fans, but Joe talked to Tracy online. He didn't use his name, so he didn't get a lot of email. Joe finally sent Jordan an email telling him about her. He set up an email, it was a stupid temp one, but he kept it for a long time. Tracy's cool. I started writing her from Jordan's temp email. I had to set up one to talk to her. That's where I met my Chris.”

The silence was deafening. He had said, “My”. The rest of the guys had a “my” Chris before Donnie, and now they worried about telling him. He didn't believe what they told him, should they say it again?

Jerry felt the story was over, but Donnie didn't stop there. “Well, anyway, we had this party. We invited a shit load of people. Tracy came, and she brought Chris, Jessie, Christie, and Amy. They wouldn't tell us who liked which one of us, so, well, we had no choice but to try and find out. We liked them all, ya know?”

“They didn't tell us, but that Tracy girl, she was up on my man Jordan. If her eyes looked away, it was to the Joey Joester.” Joe rolled his eyes, but had a grin. “That Amy girl, she was lookin for whoever she could get. That Jessie girl, she laughed a lot, she was a freaky bitch, but, hey, whatever. Christie, she had a mouth on her! She had a southern accent, and she loved to say ‘fuck’. I can't speak for the rest of us, but, hey. Chris was loud, and bold. I knew I would hate her, but I didn't in the end.” His eyes seemed to wander then, and he stopped talking. “She was a Donnie fan, she just has to be.”

All eyes on stage were on Donnie. They all had been fighting for a few weeks. They had no idea what to do. They had seen Donnie sentimental before, but nothing like this.

“Anyways, we were listening to music. That Jessie and Amy girl brought some weird shit, but, I don't know.” Jordan got a word in, “You just go with it.” Donnie nodded.

“No one danced, and Tracy was tryin too hard with Jordan. He was listening to Amy and her babble about how he saved her, or some shit. He seemed all up in that talk. His arm was around her, and she seemed weird. She said something about Tracy, and Joe picked up quick on that. He picked up on Tracy I should say.”

“He almost ran, he watched this mess for a while. He sat on Tracy's lap. I thought Tracy would jump so high he flew off her, but he just smiled that Joe smile he gets when he's gonna get laid.”

Joe blushed, the girls in the audience let out an “Awww....” Donnie wasn't about to stop, but he let out a warning, “Any of my girls, any of them under 18, plug ya ears, or leave or somethin.”

He waited a second, no one moved. “Ok, I'm trustin y’all.”

“Tracy and Joe started that kissin shit, I felt all left out, so, I moved over by that freaky girl. She seemed cool enough to be with us, so I tried to pick her up. I don't know what happened with Tracy and Joe, maybe he can fill that in.”

Joe grinned, “Ya, I can. No prob Don.” He laughed then. “I was kissin on her, man, she can kiss. Well, I was going to try my luck. I whispered something about going upstairs. I knew I found my woman when she said that was boring.” Jordan stood up without a word, he punched Joe, square in the face. Joe was shocked, and he just sat there. Jordan sat down, slightly embarrassed that he had let it go that far.

Tracy was watching, half turned on, half in shock backstage. She just mumbled, “omfg” Amy looked and laughed at her, “My line.” They all laughed.

“I asked her what she wanted to do.” The punch didn't seem to stop the story. “She just winked, and I almost came right there. I had no fuckin idea what she meant, but I knew I'd like it! She said something about upstairs being excitin as long as I was there. I guess she could tell I didn't like that one, she said somethin about tien me up, but I didn't think she'd do it! We went up there. She tied me up all right, and she just took pictures!”

Backstage, the looks Tracy got said, “Where the fuck are those pictures?!?!”

The guys on stage needed a minute, they were all laughing, and Jerry had to laugh too. This was typical of his show.

“She walked to the radio. I was a confused fucker, but I just watched. She turned on ‘Dirty Dawg’ that's our song. Good song, better now. She started takin off her clothes. She was singin, and it sounded good to me, she was almost naked, and it looked good to me. I was tied up, so I couldn't do shit, but I dealt with it. I just hoped she would take care of me too.”

Joe's face was red. “She kept dancin around and shit. I liked it, and I was gettin ready for her. I was ready downstairs and this took the cake. She stood up on the bed and was dancin over me. I watched some more, and she took the rest of her clothes off. She wouldn't touch me and I asked her to. That woman made me beg. I was in some pain. I begged though. Hell, I almost cried beggin her. She leaned down and kissed me. She didn't touch me though, and I tried to push my dick up, but she didn't touch it. I would have, but I was still tied up. She touched me then, not my dick still, damnit. But, she did run her nails down my chest. I moaned all loud. She liked that and told me to do it louder so everybody could hear. At that moment I didn't give a fuck. I just did whatever she wanted. I was in pain, and I was still tied up, damnit. I moaned so loud, I know they all heard me, that didn't bother them later though. Tracy was doin her thing, listening to me moan so they all could hear. I heard somebody say something like ‘go T rok’ and she laughed. She said somethin about me doin good and they all heard. I wasn't even carin at that point. She still didn't fuckin touch my dick, but she did touch my chest, damnit. She had her nails done, damnit. I almost came again. I didn't though, I was afraid what she would do if I did! She moaned all loud. I wondered what I did. She leaned down and swallowed my dick then. I screamed loud. I didn't expect that! She sucked hard, moving up and down fast.” Joe squirmed in his seat, adjusting his pants. “She stopped before I came, and fucked me hard. She screamed a few times, I didn't get to touch her though, but she didn't seem to care. She got up and dressed. She winked and walked out the door. I was scared but I felt damn good.”

Jerry and the crowd looked on in awe. No one knew what to say. The rest of the New Kids just smiled. Even Jordan, they all remembered Tracy. Jerry stuttered a, “Next?”

The New Kids looked at each other. No one knew what to say. Jordan thought to himself, ‘I have to say something.’

Jordan started loudly. He had to say something about someone fucking Tracy. “Oh ya? Well I fucked Amy.” Danny mumbled, “Well, who didn't?” Jordan kept going, “We were sitttin on the couch, and Tracy was gone. She was talking about her daughter. It was sweet, but I had other things in mind. I sort of just looked at her. Guess my eyes said enough. She was bout to kiss me and stopped. I thought she was going to talk about Tracy again. Tracy looked good, but I didn't know where she was. I heard Joe moan loud, and I found out where she was. Amy giggled and yelled, ‘GO T ROK’. We all laughed down there. The laughs came from different places around the house. I was laughing still, and Amy just kissed me. It wasn't one of those easy kisses. I asked her bout going upstairs. She said Tracy probably had that whole floor occupied. I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere, she said “Why where the fuck ya wanna go?” She figured the couch was as good as anything, so, whatever. She sat on me with her legs around me, and I started undoing my pants, hell, we were right there in the living room. She had a skirt on, no one had to see anything. She told me I couldn't fuck her unless she got to feel my chest. What the hell? I took off my shirt and she moaned and shook. That's the fastest orgasm I ever caused.” Amy mumbled backstage, “In person anyway.” The “TMI” was loud from the rest of the girls. They laughed, and so did the guys.

“Anyways,” he laughed, “she ran her hands over my chest and she did it again! Two fucking orgasms, and I didn't touch her yet. She yanked my pants open. I had to laugh. I fucked her, though. Right there on the couch were anyone could see. It was erotic.”

Jerry had to say something, it was his show. “That was short and sweet.” Jordan explained, “She was nice, but she's not Tracy.”

Jonathan spoke softly, “It's ok, bro. We didn't expect such a night.” Jordan was surprised Jonathan talked on TV. “Why don't you tell it next?”

Jonathan blushed, but he couldn't back out now. “Sorry Donnie, please understand, it meant nothing.” That told everyone in the audience just who Jonathan was with. “Chris looked upset, she kept looking at Donnie, Jordan, and Joe. I don't know which one she liked. She was loud, but she seemed shy around us. I know what it's like to be shy in a crowd, so I went over to her. I asked if she was ok. I guess she liked Donnie, she said “I'm here with my fellas, of course I'm ok.” She had a Boston accent, but she was from the same city as Tracy and Amy. It was strange, but she was nice. I asked her to dance, and I had no idea how to dance with that kind of music Jessie put on the radio. Amy and Jessie seemed to like it. Donnie was talking to Jessie and she didn't stop singing, before I went into the hallway, Amy was singing too. I know now why she stopped.” Jonathan raised his eyebrow at Jordan, and Jordan laughed. “Well, Chris tried to dance with me. I asked if she liked the music. She told me it was Amy's thing. We couldn't dance to it, though. Some song came on, and Jessie turned it up. Chris and I couldn't hear each other, so we walked into the hallway. She had her back on the wall, and I was looking at her leaning on my side on it. I don't know what happened, but I kissed her. She looked shocked, and started to pull away. I apologized, but she cut me off kissing me. My hands wandered, I wondered if anyone would catch us, then I heard Joe. I think the neighbors heard Joe.” They all laughed and nodded. “Then that Amy girl yelled, ‘GO T ROK’. That made me think of the Backstreet Boys. I laughed. Chris pulled me back to her, she said, ‘Don't you want to make those noises?’ Donnie interrupted, “That's my Chris.”

This was Jonathan, he couldn't be mad, he just laughed softly. Jonathan kept on with the story. “I kissed her softly again. I didn't know where it would go after a good laugh. She grabbed me around the neck and kissed me. I knew what would happen then, I didn't want to assume, but it was obvious. My hands wandered over her again. She was really into it.” Jonathan was blushing. “I was going to take her somewhere nice. She didn't want to wait, I guess. She pulled my shirt and pants off. I was embarrassed by the whole thing, but I didn't want to stop. She didn't take her shirt off, though. She just took her pants off and turned facing the wall. I took my cue. I did her from behind. It was good, I was worried she'd hit the wall and it'd hurt, but she kept telling me to do it harder. I did.”
