Jonathan was obviously upset. Donnie didn't like him being uncomfortable, so he went on. “Wanna hear about me and the freaky girl?” Jerry said, “Sure, go ahead, Donnie.”

“Well, she was all up in that music. I still don't fucking know what the hell it was all about.” They all nodded. “Anyways, I walked up and tried to dance with her. Big mistake. Ya can't grind to that shit. She laughed right up in my face. I said, “Fuck you freaky bitch” she said “Ya know ya want this freaky bitch.” Hell, I couldn't deny that. Everyone else was gettin some. I had to do somethin. I just leaned in and whispered to her, “Wanna find out just how much?” She looked surprised. I grabbed her hand and put it on my dick. She pulled away, and her eyes were all big. She put her hand back on my dick. I moved around cuz it felt good. I heard Joe moan, and I wanted some of that and I got harder. Amy yelled, “Go T Rok” and everybody but me laughed. I didn't want it to stop Jessie. She laughed, and when she did, her hand moved around. Even better. I kept movin around, I told her “I want something else on my dick, like your mouth.” She laughed, but she pulled me aside. I saw Jordan and Amy gettin busy on the couch, and I don't think they saw me. Well, with my back in the corner. I could watch them and get my dick sucked. She started suckin on my dick. She has some face muscles that freaky bitch. She was suckin on my dick, I was watchin Jordan and Amy and I came right down her throat. She didn't stop though. She kept right on going, right until I was hard as fuck again. Then she turned around. She was on her hands and knees. She pulled up that long ass skirt. So, I kneeled down and fucked her hard. We were fuckin and watchin Jordan and Amy. We all four came together. It was the hottest damn thing.”

Jordan was blushing now, and Amy was smiling big.

Jerry asked Danny, “And just where were you while this was all going on?”

“I was with Christie.” Danny had a grin on his face. “She's a sweetheart. My wife had just left me. I didn't understand why, I did everything for that woman. I was crying. I didn't want to cry at a party, but what can ya do? Christie came over and was talking to me. She told me she's engaged. I cried on her shoulder, damn, she was so understanding. We talked for a little while. Then we heard Joe moan. Christie said she'd always dreamed of that moan, and that it was probably Tracy making him moan. When we heard Amy's “Go T Rok” she said, “Told ya.”

I felt bad for her. I could tell she really liked Joe, and here she was listening to me babble. I put my arm around her. I didn't mean anything by it, but shit happens. I whispered into her hair how beautiful she was. She smiled and kissed my cheek. I turned my head, I guess I just wasn't thinking. I kissed her. I think it shocked us both. She wasn't thinking either I guess. She kissed me back. We laid down on the bed. We were just kissing and holding hands. I ran my hand along her face. I really shouldn't have been there, she was engaged and I was married. We kept kissing and taking each other's clothes off. I laid on top of her and looked into her eyes. She assured me this was what she wanted, and I had sex with her slow. We wound up laying there afterwards, both talking about it was a mistake. I told her I could talk Joe into meeting her better. She was happy with that. She wanted him to sign her CD. So, I went upstairs.” Danny laughed then. “I untied the poor guy, and told him about Christie while he dressed. He said he had no problem signing her CD. We went downstairs and everybody was sitting around.”

“Yeah,” Jordan kept going, “we were just talking about the computer lists, and everybody had these big smiles. Christie kept looking at Joe, and he smiled at her.” Joe interrupted, “I wanted that, but I didn't think I would get her cause I already had some from her friend.”

Donnie threw a hand up, “Hold on wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, this is the Jerry Springer show, this ain't some computer talk. Let's get back to the fuckin man.” The audience looked surprised, they thought it WAS over. “Well, that freaky bitch was good, but I wanted that girl that could make the Joey Joester moan that damn loud. I kept giving her looks that told her I wanted to fuck the shit out of her. I don't even know if she noticed that cause she was all up on Jordan again. He wasn't talkin to her, though. He was talkin to that freaky bitch. She's not his type or anything, I think he just wanted his dick sucked, and that Amy didn't do it. I still can't believe what the fuck happened next.” Donnie shook his head. “She looked at Chris. I don't know why, and Chris just nodded eagerly. Well, she walked over and sat on my lap. I pulled her back against me, and she started movin on me. I couldn't believe it. Right out there in the open. We were playin Joe's CD and Christie and Amy were singing and staring at Joe. When some song was on, that Amy girl yelled, “OH WOW, A WHOA, JOE SEX JOE SEX’ then she blushed. She moved away from Joe then, I guess the girl was embarrassed.”

“Anyways, Tracy was grindin on me, and I was hard. When I got hard she grinned back at me. I figured if she was a bold enough bitch to do that I might as well play with her some too. I started rubbin on her jeans and from how wet she already was, I figured the Joey Joester did her up right, and I liked the idea of a wet piece.” Jordan was nodding. “Anyways, her friends eventually all looked over, but the looked away fast when they saw what we were doing. I put my hand up her shirt, she moaned, and I told her we should get out of there. She asked me to take a walk, so we left the house. We sat on the porch swing, and she attacked me.” Donnie laughed softly. “We wound up doing some serious swinging on that swing!”

Tracy was backstage blushing, but she had a good time. She mumbled, “I still can't believe I did that.”

Amy was blushing right along with Tracy, and Tracy asked, “What are you blushing about?” “Y'all might as well know now, I fucked Danny.”

Amy looked onto the stage, she knew it would be said, she just didn't know how her friends would react to it all.

Donnie looked around, “What was everybody else doing? Or should I say who?” They all laughed.

“I was with Amy. I thought Christie was a mistake, and then I moved to Amy. God, what was I doing that night?!?!” “Amy was looking at Tracy as she left. I think she was shocked. Hell, we were all shocked, we thought we all got ours for the night. Amy didn't seem upset, but she was just looking at the door. I asked her what was wrong, and she just shrugged. I took her hand and led her to a bedroom. I think it was the master room. Sorry Joe. I asked her again what was wrong. She was just saying that she was shocked by the whole night, and she didn't know what to expect next. I put my arm around her. I should have known better from earlier, but I thought she was seriously in shock. She just looked at me and said, “I guess I know who's next, huh?”

“I told her, 'Look we don't expect you girls to do things like this.' She told me she knew that, but that she really didn't mind. She kissed me then, I couldn't believe she was actually kissing me as deep as she was. I think she was looking for some sort of comfort in a messed up situation. I thought I was going to have slow, sweet sex again, but when I tried to, she urged me on. I guess she's just not into that. Man, she growled, bit and everything. She was on top of me, and I swear she made me forget my own name! I went down on her, after I came, and asked her to hold onto my hair, she sat up then. She said to me, ‘there's a mirror in that bathroom I'm sure, you might want to check yourself, you're not Joe’. And she left the room.”

Danny didn't seem to care, though, the rest of the guys laughed.

Joe smiled, “Yeah, that girl has a thing for hair. I didn't have her at that point, yet, though. I figured if there was going to be a second course, I had better look around the buffet table! Danny was talking to Amy, and Tracy was long gone, and I already had some of that. There was that girl Jessie, and Christie, and Chris. I knew that Christie wanted me to sign her CD. When I asked her about it, she walked away. I followed her, though. She went into the restroom. I waited outside, but she ran the shower. I yelled through the door, to ask where her CD was, and thanks for her support. She sounded like she was right by the door, but I couldn't hear her. I leaned up against the door to hear her, and the next thing I knew, the door flew open and she grabbed me in there by my shirt. She was standing in there in a towel. She said, ‘You could sign my CD, but I need a shower after having sex, and I imagine you do, too. You into water conservation?’ I knew what she meant, and all I could do was nod. She turned on the water, and the steam filled the room. She asked if I minded a hot shower, I told her I didn't and she said it was good cuz it might get hot in there no matter how cold she made the water. She dropped her towel. I started to undress, but she stopped me with her hands. I'll never forget what she said next, ‘I want you as wet around me as I am around you’. She pulled me into the shower with all my clothes on! We washed each other slowly, and I was hard as I could get. When she washed my dick, I couldn't take anymore and turned her around and pushed her face into the wall. I pulled her hips back and thrusted hard into her, and I fucked her hard. She said ‘ow’ a couple of times, but she wouldn't let me ease up on her, damn, I came hard in that shower.”

Jordan smiled a half smile. “I guess I had your seconds, bro. I don't know where you were, but Chris was up on me. She was trying to fix me up with Tracy. I think everyone there was trying to fix me up with Tracy! I told her that Tracy was outside with Donnie, and she told me she was supposed to have him first, and since Tracy was, she got to fuck me. How can I turn an offer like that down? I opened my arms and said, ‘so what's stopping ya?’ I guess the answer was nothing because she undid my jeans. She worked fast, and I was hard. She leaned down and sucked my dick. I was playing with whatever part of her I could reach, and I moaned loud through the house. I didn't care, though, if anyone heard me. They were all gettin busy too! I wanted to eat her, but she wouldn't let me. She said that would be gross after she fucked my brother. I don't know if she meant that, or she was nervous. I knew she hadn't had sex much, if at all. Well, I laid her on the couch, and pulled her pants off. I asked if it was ok if my dick was where my brother's was. She didn't have a problem with that! I pulled her ankles up on my shoulders and pushed into her, and leaned down to kiss her. She was tight, and as I buried myself deep into her, she winced some. I knew she wasn't a virgin, and she nodded at me when I kept asking if she was ok. I came deep inside her, and let her legs loose so she could relax. I laid on her for a few minutes before pulling my pants up, and hers back on. Just where were you, bro?”

“Well,” Jonathan began. “Jessie was the only one left, but I didn't mind at all. Just before you and Chris started, she started to leave. I walked out to her car, and got in. We talked for a little while. It was nice, and I loved the way the moon shone on her face. I don't know why, but I kissed her. I kissed her soft and sweet, and started to get out of the car. She told me to get back in, that she wasn't leaving yet. She said she was about to, but she liked talking to me. She blushed and turned her head and said she liked kissing me, too. I pushed her hair from her face and kissed her again. Things got a little heated, and I told her I didn't want to disrespect her by having sex in a car. She told me it was ok, and she pulled me into the back seat. We had sex there. I didn't know a car could be so sweet, slow, and romantic. She really is a good person, and she's so sweet. She's not really into us, though, and I still don't know what she was doing there. She seemed to know Amy quite well, though.”

No one expected Jonathan to go into much more detail. He was shy, they all knew that. Donnie continued, “Somehow the guys wound up in the living room, and the girls in the study. I guess they wanted to talk about what was happening, and so did we. We all figured out who fucked who how.”

Danny smiled, “I wanted a try at Tracy, and I got my wish. The guys and I went into the study. The girls were looking at us, and Tracy was looking at me. It seemed like they had talked about who got who next. I smiled at her, and took her hand. I led her outside to the garden in back. I told her I always wanted to have sex outside, in a backyard. She asked me what was I doing. I was confused until she told me she didn't need a seduction scene, we both knew what was to happen. She was right, so, we both took off our clothes and laid down. We had a slight struggle as to who was going to be on top. She won, telling me she still had the Knights to deal with. I rolled over, I was turned on by the bluntness of it all, and pushed into her. She moaned and her eyes were shut tight. We fucked until we both came, and got dressed. She stood up and shook my hand. It was short, to the point, and good. She wasn't my type, and I wasn't hers, but we just used each other's bodies. I loved it.”
