“Yeah,” Joe said, “they had decided. Jessie was smiling sweetly at me. I couldn't believe how organized this all was, but I took her hand, and led her to my room. I thought I'd have her on the bed, but she had other things in mind. She started going through my closets asking what I was thinking and throwing my clothes out. I was just laughing, I have a maid. She climbed in the closet then. ‘You need clothes like mine in here.’ She started taking her clothes off then, I took mine off and climbed in the closet after her. I pulled her legs around me and held her up against the wall. I asked her then, ‘are you all planning on fucking us all?’ She told me they were if we could handle it! THAT turned me on. I fucked her up against my closet wall, and she scratched into my back. She may not be a New Kids fan, but that girl knew my name, and she sure liked to scream it! We got dressed, she thanked me and left the room. I took a real shower then, and went back downstairs to see who was next on the Joe list!”

Donnie took over, “Yeah, it did turn into a ‘who's next?’ I think we all needed to have a ‘take a number’ machine!” He laughed. “I knew in the study who was next on my agenda because she kept licking her lips and she wasn't looking me in the face. Amy walked over to me and said, ‘ya know, I could be your rice and chicken taster.’ She grabbed my dick and I didn't waste any time, I sat down at the desk, and she climbed under it. I started to undo my pants, but she pushed my hands away. She undid them with her teeth! She sucked my dick right there. She moaned and moaned. You would have thought I was fucking her, when she had sucked me enough for her, I guess, she climbed up to my face and kissed me deep. She said, ‘I have always wanted my mouth on that dick.’ I told her she could do it again if she wanted, but she told me she wanted my dick in another wet hole on her body. I groaned, and she straddled me. She rode me in that chair. She had a hold of my shoulders and back, I think she drew blood, but she came, and so did I.”

“Yeah, I saw Donnie's face, and I knew what was going on.” Jordan laughed. “I looked at Chris, I already had that, so, I knew it was Christie for me. She was a little wild. I guess she figured after all this, fuck it. That was my thoughts at that time. She just said, ‘you wanna fuck me or what?’ Donnie laughed for a second, and I walked pulling Christie to the pool. I pulled her clothes off and threw her in. I stripped slowly, and flexed a little for her. She giggled, and I dove in after her. I grabbed her around the waist, and came up for air. She smiled and wrapped her legs around me. I slid slowly into her, and we had slow sex in the pool. It was great, our wet bodies rubbing against each other. I thought that couldn't be topped.”

Jonathan blushed, “I guess it was quick, Danny, because I was going down to the kitchen, and Tracy was there. Well, she, uh, said she always wanted a ‘Knight sandwich.’ I told her nicely that I didn't want to do that with my brother. She laughed and said she didn't care, but she wanted to know if I had any energy left for her. I was a little nervous, because I had heard Joe, and I knew she was kinky. I asked her what she had in mind, and she said, ‘I thought we could break in that sink over there.’ That sounded good to me. She took her clothes off and pulled herself up on the edge of the kitchen sink. I walked over to her and kissed her. I kissed all down her, I buried my face in her, and licked and sucked and nibbled her until she held onto the sink so she wouldn't fall off. I stood up then, and she pulled my shirt over my head. I pulled my pants down, and scooted against her. Our two sets of hazel eyes met before I thrusted into her with one quick thrust. She gasped, and we had sex for what seemed like hours. We kissed through most of it, and moaned. When we were finished, we both got dressed, and walked hand in hand into the study again.”

Jordan looked at Jonathan with question in his eyes. Did he like Tracy too?

Danny spoke up again. “Well, no, Tracy and I didn't last long, but neither did me and Chris.”

Chris looked at Amy backstage. “It's ok, Ames. I think we all had Danny.”

Danny continued, “Well, I was still wandering around outside when I saw her. She was walking around the yard. I asked what she was doing, she said she just needed a break from the madness. She said she couldn't believe she was doing this, or that she was even there. I told her I was married, and that I couldn't believe I was, either. I took her face in my hands then, told her that we didn't lose any respect for her or her friends. She smiled then and hugged me. I told her she was beautiful. She called me a fucking liar. I kissed her softly, and whole heatedly expected her to pull away. She said, “If anyone, you make me FEEL beautiful.” She kissed me back, and we rocked slowly on the ground with her on my lap, we made love. No, Donnie, I don't love her, but it was sweet and slow.”

Jonathan didn't want a fight, he didn't think there would be one, but he wasn't taking chances. “Well, when Tracy and I got back to the study, Donnie was gone, and Amy was sitting on the desk with her legs crossed, reading a magazine. Tracy whispered into my ear, ‘she wants you, ya know.’ Then she winked at me. I walked over to Amy. I asked her what was happening that night. Why was this all happening? She said she didn't know, but she liked it. She said on the computer, they all called her the New Kids slut. All three of us laughed. I asked her into the living room. She went, and I don't know where Tracy went, but she commented on our way out, to Amy, that it was ironic the only one she didn't have was Jordan. Amy looked at her, she said, ‘go find him, Tracy.’ Strangely after all that, Tracy looked sad. Well, Amy and I went to the living room. She seemed a little nervous around me, I guess she actually liked me. She said, ‘So, are you kinky or sweet? I've always wondered.’ I blushed and said I could be both. She said, ‘I think I need sweet, are you in the mood for sweet?’ I brushed my hand down her cheek. I told her that sounded great. She smiled then, and pulled her shirt and skirt off. I undressed, and we kissed. Her hands moved shakily over my body. From what I hear from everyone else, she's not the nervous type, but she was with me. We kissed and made love. She sighed through most of it, and it was very sweet. There wasn't oral sex, or anything out of the ordinary. It was missionary, and she got dressed slowly. I asked if something was wrong. She said she had Joe next. I asked her if she liked Joe, and she said she did. I didn't understand the problem, but she explained that the night was almost over, and that would be it. The only thing she would be remembered by, her and her friends, was that they all fucked us all. We talked for a little while, and I promised her that we didn't think less of them. We had talked about it. This was wild, but strangely, we didn't think it was them doing something bad, just a party. She smiled then, and told me she was going to get to go to ‘Joe hair land’. Then she walked out of the room.”

Joe rubbed his head, “I KNOW what she was talking about” and laughed.

Jordan said, “I had no idea Tracy was looking for me, or I wouldn't have been where I was. There's a hot tub in the garage. I was there, and I was with Jessie. We were relaxing there, and she was telling me how shocked she was that she was talking to a New Kid. I said, ‘didn't think you'd ever meet us, huh?’ She said, ‘No, didn't think I'd want to.’ I took offense, but she cleared it up, explaining that she didn't like us for a long time now, that she was more into Marilyn Manson now. I just nodded. She had come for her friend Amy. She said Amy was really nervous about meeting us. She sure didn't seem it, but Jessie asked me if she had given me the letter yet. She hadn't, and Jessie got up out of the hot tub. She came back with a letter, ‘here, you should read this, if she leaves without giving it to you, she'll regret it later.’ I read it, and my eyes teared up. I put the letter in a safe place, so we all could read it later. I scooted over by Jessie, and told her what a good friend she was. I could tell from the letter, that it meant a great deal to Amy to have me read it. Well, Jessie and I started kissing. Her hands slid down to my hard-on, and she sighed. I told her I couldn't tell if she was wet for me in the water, and we laughed. She said she was, and I sat her up on the edge of the hot tub. We didn't bother taking her suit off, I just moved it aside and entered her slowly. I fucked her hard, pulling her by around her waist to meet every thrust even harder. She gasped at every thrust before screaming my name. I came inside her then, and we stayed like that for a few minutes catching our breath. We got out of the hot tub, and dried off. Jessie and I were talking, she told me about when all the girls were watching concerts. Tracy really liked “Baby, I Believe in You.” Tracy was the last girl I was getting that night, so I figured I may as well make it good. I slipped on black pants, and an open button down white shirt.”

Joe looked bored, “I want to talk about me and Chris now.”

“Go ahead,” Jerry said.

“Well, I was still up in my room, I was lying down. I was tired, and figured I'd take a break. By the count I did, I had two more to go. I was excited, and exhausted.” Joe laughed. “Chris came in, she said she was sorry, that she was looking for Tracy. I asked if she really wanted to be looking around that house tonight. She said I was right, and I invited her to sit with me on the bed. We laid down, and I asked if she was doing ok. She told me she was, and reminded me that they were the “Rootbeer Crew” and they could handle anything. I said, ‘that's MY rootbeer crew, and I'll be damned if I didn't get rootbeer YET.’ She smiled and said she knew how to perform an “A&W” if I could keep up. I guess I gave her a funny look, because she laughed at me. I stood up and took my clothes off. She said, “DAMN” I'm used to that.” Joe was bragging, and Donnie threw a shoe at him, and he threw it back. “Anyways, she did the same, and I decided to have a little fun. I asked just how the “A&W” was performed. She said she had to put her ankles and wrists on my shoulders. I was pretty high above her when she did it, and I said, ‘like this’? She told me to push down, so, I did. It's a hot position, and it gets you in there deep, so I went ahead and started fucking her. I grabbed her wrists and I think she would have tore the fuck out of my back, but I had her pinned there. She came a few times, then I did. She sighed LOUD, and just laid there. I told her I didn't know if I could handle one more. She asked who the one was, and I told her it was Amy. She told me if I didn't fuck Amy, she was going to kick my ass. We laughed, and I told her I would, of course.”
