About the Webmistress

I don’t really know what all to write here, but I’ll tell you a bit about me. I’m a 31 year old wife and mother of 3. I’ve been working on this website for almost 6 years now and when I started it, I had no clue how to do much of anything on it. I was using basic editors and pre-formatted styles. Now I’m designing my own tables, etc. I consider it quite an accomplishment!

I became a New Kids fan back in 1987 or '88. Jordan was my favorite right from the beginning. I couldn’t be happier for him now that he has a child of his own, and I hope when he finally does marry, that he is as happy as he can be.

I don’t know where this website will be going, but I am constantly coming up with new ideas, so it should continue to grow and change. There are a few people I would like to thank. First and foremost, my husband, Joe, for his understanding and support. He doesn’t like New Kids at all, yet he never fails to compliment my site when I show him the new additions, etc. I would also like to thank Chris for being my partner in NK mania for so many years. I would also like to thank anyone and everyone who contributed to this site (too many to name here, but you know who you are). Last but certainly not least, I want to thank NKOTB. Without them, there would be no site, and I wouldn’t have some of the wonderful friends that I have now.

Thank you,


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