Misc Pictures

We still have some of these chickens (unless noted), but these pictures are older so I moved them to this "Misc page".Click on the thumbnails of the pictures below to see them up close!

Our Araucanas! Two of the three. (We lost these two, one to unknown causes, the other to a coon)

Elvis in his white suit

This is one of the araucanas that is going to be a mom soon! (Died from unknown causes)


Millie and a rooster we no longer have

Millie up close and personal

Sleeping in the coop at night: a view through the glass.

The flower house that was turned into a part of the coop. (It is wired in so hawks can't kill them! The ice makes it look solid but its not.)

To see some older pictures of our current batch click here: More pictures.

I know he isn't a chicken but this is my sisters dog, Sawyer, that we all just love!