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About Trainer
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©2004 Softbrook

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the system requirements?

I imagine if you can run OoT2D, then you can run this. This was programmed with Microsoft libraries, so if you have Windows it should work. If you have problems PLEASE let me know so I can fix them or find a solution. It has been tested on Windows 98 and XP platforms.

Why specifically "Unofficial"?

TRM (Daniel Barras; creator of OoT2D) once stated in a thread on the ZFGC forum that he would eventually release a trainer so that you could "change things without screwing up." So in the event when TRM releases his trainer, there will be a clear distinction between the two. (His official one, and my unofficial one.)

So why not wait for the official one?

When I started this, I was curious as to what the format of the save state file was, and I was also interested in seeing what items were already in the current demo (at the time, TRM wasn't including a save state file with all the available items in it.) Slowly I learned how the save state file was put together and so I wrote a program to recreate and modify that same structure. It pretty much comes down to a programmer's curiousity of how things work. I have also received some great additional help from Mamoruanime.

So what will you do when TRM releases his official trainer?

Most likely I'll continue with mine, progressively making it more robust. This is just a hobby, I'm making no profits from it, so I figure I'm not hurting anybody by doing it.