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You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone

Chapter 2

Sound checks, I hate them. It's just another chance for people to criticize me. I play alright but it's like everyone just jumps on me when I have to sing. It's not my fault my voice is changing, I can't help it. You'd think I'd get sympathy for that, not criticism.

My little sisters are playing together. How come Mac isn't playing with them? Poor kid, I know how he feels. I know what it's like to be the one who gets left out. I'll play with him later.

We're starting by playing "Gimme Some Lovin." I like the song and it's a good opener, but it bugs me cuz Tay picked it. He does everything and people let him. I used to say stuff, but he just yells at me and starts acting like a complete ass. It causes too much tension in the group and I don't want to deal with that.

The sound checks over, thank God. Today was better than most. The people were pretty nice about all the screw ups. Actually there weren't that many, we played pretty well. I hope I do that well in the performance. Tay's babbling about going to a mall or something. I hate malls. Just another place to get mobbed by pre-pubescent girls who are in love with Taylor and think that getting good with me is gonna get them somewhere with him. I couldn't give a shit about their immature lust for Tay.

I'm not really jealous of Taylor, at least I don't think so. He's just started acting like he's some kind of superior being and I really hate it. I get my fair share of girls and attention, but I have to beg for it. It seems like admiration just falls at Taylor's feet. As for the girls, I don't care. I don't get to date anyway. The only girl I've kissed is Jenny McCarthy, but I don't think that counts.

We're going to the mall, it's unanimous. Which means that Taylor decided and Ike and I don't care enough to object. Walking through the mall, stupid stores, stupid people. There is no point to a mall. Why are we here? I could be sleeping, I could be playing video games, I could be playing with Mac, I could be doing anything but walking in a mall with my brothers!

We walk into a store, I don't even know what store it is. I don't even see the stuff it sells. All I know is I'm stuck in a store which I would rather not be in.

Some girl comes over dragging her friend. These girls are ugly! Damn, what happened? One of them is blabbering about how much she likes the music. Blah blah blah, the same stuff. Her friend isn't saying anything. She probably hates Hanson. Tay starts talking to her, asking her dumb questions. She looks completely uninterested. I know the feeling.

"Who's your favorite band?" Oh my God, did I just ask that? What was I thinking? Why do I care? Oh well, maybe it'll make it seem like I'm being polite or something.

This chick looks scared out of her mind. Damn, I'm sorry. She mutters something about liking N'Sync. I don't care any more.

She's showing Tay a picture, of some girl I guess. Her friend from wherever she said she was from. I'm looking at the picture now. This girl's cute. Why couldn't she have been the one here? Short red dress, breasts. Breasts are always a nice thing for a girl to have. "How old is she?"


"Darn, they're always older." Taylor smiles. The hell with you Taylor. Like a girl like that would want you. Besides, you've got Aimee.

Finally the girls leave. After the picture, which Taylor had actually asked to keep, I had decided the girls were boring. Just more fans ready to suck up to Taylor to get a little attention. They'd probably have liked the conversation more if he had stared at their tits or something. Although the scene wasn't that pretty.

Taylor, if only he was different. Life would be so much easier. Then I wouldn't be stuck in the shadow of someone I'm supposed to be best friends with. I tell the press and everyone we're really tight, but if they knew half the shit that goes on between us, me and Tay particularly, they'd be shocked. Well, that's show biz I guess.



Chapter 1

Chapter 3

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