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Wild Bird Photos

image Red tailed Hawk after flying into window image Hawk sits in tree
left - Red Tailed Hawk hit the window then sat on the cement patio
right-Hawk sits in Maple Tree

all photos by D. D. Bulmer

I personally am not fond of Hawks, being they are a predator of all the wild song birds. I have lost many wild birds including robins, juncos, doves, starlings, blue jays, cardinals, and sparrows because they were the meal of the hawk.
I have had a huge Goss Hawk, some small speedy Falcons known as "sparrow hawk", and usually the Red tailed Hawk in my yard. To identify the red tailed hawk - look as it flies, the tail fans so you can see the under side of the tail feathers, it is a rusty red brown. One year the American Bald Eagle came to my yard - it was migrating. Sad to say the neighbor cut down many of the old tall trees down that it used to sit in (as of March 2012). People don't realize how they destroy the home of wildlife by cutting a mass of trees down. Pine trees help the birds survive the winter snow and wind. No one should be cutting the bottom of the pine tree off, it wastes the benefits of the pine tree. Under the pine tree is covered and is the shelter for wildlife. I never saw an American Bald Eagle chase anything here. They are known for diving in water for fish or being a scavenger like the condors and vultures.
Falcons and Hawks have come several at a time ambushing birds as if they were a pack of wolves. Stalking the area, soaring like vultures in the sky, circling then diving down at record speeds. Hawks hide in a pine tree waiting for a bird that flies into the yard to get a drink or bathe in the water from the bird bath. Hawks chasing birds sometimes hit the window of the house. Sometimes the bird they have been chasing hit the window. The bird hits so hard they don't recover. The hawk has been very clumsy and has hit the window several times in recent years. A hard hit against the window next time could be fatal and or the window could break.
Nesting birds protecting young birds on their nests have been attacked by hawks and sometimes the mother bird is killed on the nest. The nest has been knocked out of the tree and some baby birds badly injured and left to die if not already losing their life from the impact. If I let the hawk stay and sit in the yard there would be no birds in my yard. You will notice the birds being frightened easily after a hawk has captured one of birds. Sometimes the house sparrows will be upset and chatter loudly. Then another group of birds will sit quietly and intensely watch out for the hawk if its nearby. All calms down when the hawk leaves the area.
It's a life and death situation for all the wild birds.

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