Veronica's Crafts, etc.
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Welcome to my home page! My name is Veronica and I live in Lorain, Ohio. My husband's name is Lukcus (pronounced Lucas)and we have four little-one's. Courtney(9), Darren(7) and Madelaine(3). And we are so proud to announce the arrival of our newest little one! Amelia was born Monday, August 7th at 1:36 p.m. She is absolutely beautiful! Look for her page below for pictures, details, etc. I'll add more as I'm able (I'm still pretty tired right now!). We are a Christian family and attend Tower Baptist Church here in Lorain. I love to cross-stitch and do every kind of crafty thing imaginable. I AM FINALLY AN OFFICIAL REGISTERED NURSE!!!!! Can you believe it???? LOL It's been a long, hard road but it's finally finished. My goal is to become a labor & delivery nurse and eventually get my masters degree in Midwifery, but I am working as a med/surg nurse at a local hospital for the time being. I hope you enjoy your stay and want to remind you to bookmark if you like it. Also remember to reload often because it changes all the time. Please take the time to sign my guestbook! Also,if you have a URL you would like to add, please e-mail me...thanks and enjoy your visit. God bless! 1/14/01

"Character is made by what you stand for; reputation, by what you fall for." -- Robert Quillen

Other Links On My Page

Amelia's Page-come and meet our beautiful new baby!

Cross Stitch Links

My Family-see pictures of my husband and I and our children

My Angel Page

Graphics Links

Misc. Other Links

Sign My Guestbook!

This is my woobie Moo Moo. She is my sweet little calf who keeps me company and watches over my page. If you want to adopt your own woobie (there are many different kinds), just click on her!
This is my pet rock...he's a cute,lovey,one. Every one is can get your own from Sheri.

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Veronica Arnold.

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