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Grants and How to Get Them

Want to raise money for your organization for a special project, operating expenses, expansion, or other purposes? Or are you interested in acquiring funds as an individual for study, research, a new path in life, or other interests? These popular and entertaining one-day workshops, designed for those with little or no experience, and for those who want a systematic and inventive approach to grant writing or to fund raising, take you step by step through proven techniques for finding and getting support.

I have raised tens of millions of dollars for organizations and projects in animal welfare and protection, the arts and humanities, child protection, general social welfare, technology, and other fields.For many years, I have conducted highly successful workshops at colleges and universities and for general audiences, to provide nonprofit organizations and individuals with the expertise and background information necessary to do these things.

Compensation is moderate and negotiable. If you or your organization might be interested in hosting, sponsoring, or organizing a workshop, please contact me to discuss it.



Raising funds from public and private sources for support of individual and group projects (program, planning, demonstration, research, training, exhibit, performance), needs, and organizational structures.


Private Philanthropy and Public Money

The philanthropic transaction in the private sector: individuals, foundations, corporations, and charitable institutions. The foundation world. Federal and other government project grants, appropriations, and discretionary spending.

The Grant Seeking Process

Conceptualizing ideas. Identifying funding sources. Research and reference materials. Electronic and print information sources. Program planning and needs analysis. Contact between project planners and funders. Initial approaches to prospective funding sources. Concept papers; letter of inquiry/intent.

Proposal Writing and Preparation

Primary proposal components: summary/abstract, introduction, needs assessment/ problem statement, individual/ organization capacities and qualification. goals and objectives, approach/ methodology, time line, budget, evaluation plan, continuation plan/ future funding, appendices (e.g., legal items, assurances, tax documents).



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Richard Morgan, PhD           Columbus, Ohio