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A small slice of that Scarf Wearing, Swing Dancing, Rent Singing Freak....
most people call Mayrs

Hi, I am Mary the co-creator of this page...I am a senior an all girls school in North Carolina...lots of things make me happy....RENT is obviously one of them...besides woshipping the RENT shrine that resides in my room i do have lots of other diversions...I have the most wonderful friends in the world...they rock man...i LOVE field hockey...i am hoping to play at Moravian College next year (GO HOUNDS!!) is another thing i love to do...acting...stage name it i do it...hmm what else do i do? Ahh swing dancing...its great...everyone should go at some point in life...thats my goal anyway...Let's see, what else?...DEBATE (the real NFL)!!!!!!! Debate is one of the most wondeful things i have gotten myself into...i have met some wonderful new friends (who love rent too...we perform even!) and i didn't suck at storytelling either! (its an event FYI) OK we have covered Swing dancing, and Rent singing that means i just have to cover scarf wearing...this actually relates to debate in an odd an twisted way...My first Tournament was on Halloween (and it was SOOOO much fun) and so my whole team wore costumes...i wore my swing outfit which included a scarf. I wasn't competeing so i was just chilling and i ended up performing RENT in front of alot of people there and teaching someone to swing dance...At a later tournement someone was like "Hey weren't you that girl who was singing rent, swing dancing and wearing a scarf at the freedom tournament?" So that is how i got my epithet...i hope this hasn't been terribly boring...Right now my scanner is being evil but i do have pictures but i have some to put up....from my prom even!

E-mail me... or us!!! Please?!?!?!

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