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.... this boy could use some stolie...

Welcome to Jean and Mary's RENT shrine! Here will live all things having to do with RENT... Okay, maybe not. Let's try this again. We will have cool RENT stuff. In case you didn't know, RENT is the critically acclaimed, Pulitzer Prize winning, groupie-inducing musical. and it rocks!


you should try this in heels.


Try our RENT quiz!

The Hall of Evening Show Slackers (oh, just go there.)

Take a peek at Maureen and Joanne's apartment!

If you want more... go to our Links Page.

Hey, Mary just wrote a term paper on RENT!

We have a message board about RENT! Please leave us a message!
Be sure to check the message board for news on the next Evening Show Slacker Meeting!

We have a RENT mailing list!

Sign the guestbook!

Shawna and Mary's duo interpretation piece (explanation included)

Here it is... the long-awaited bio page. Want to know who we are? Go look.

Find out just how obsessed you are!!!

another new thing! (aren't you impressed with our procrastination abilities? *wink*) The fabulous RENT webring... for websites of inspiration...
This has been updated! For all who are looking to join the webring or who have submitted a site, go look at the comments made, please!

~One more time....something else new!!~ Evening Show Slacker updates!!  


A Horace V. Rogers Page
A Rent Gallery!
A new quiz!



rented information
Click on the image to sign up for our mailing list- wahoo!

to get to our webrings...

talk to us!

Sign our guestbook! NOW! ...please?

Okay, so this doesn't have to do with RENT. Sorry! But here's how to get back to Jean's page, if that's how you got here.

Last Updated: 23 October 1999

A fabulous    people have visited our site since Jan. 2, 1999.