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What's going on in the universe of the Evening Show Slackers...

Heyheyhey!! Okay, ladies and germs... here is a page for all of you who have been deemed worthy. I guess our biggest news of the moment is next Sunday [Well... last Sunday, now] the NC contingent is traveling to Raleigh together to rush tickets and generally have a grand old time. Wahoo a lot! Next item of nonbusiness is the fact our numbers have grown a lot in last couple of weeks... many of you have been asking, "so what exactly does this mean?" Well, when we started the Evening Show Slackers, we didn't really plan for it to get this big... but we are thrilled that it has!. So here is the deal... whenever you go to see RENT (rushing), you go in the name of the evening show slackers... kinda like deadheads... ya know? So just get a bunch of friends together, a couple of lawn chairs and, of course, the white cheddar cheezits and spend the day waiting to get great seats for the show!! So those are the minutes for this meeting... Hey, after next week we will put up stuff from out next outing, and if you have an outing, send us a review or just comment on it and we will add it to the archives!

***Quick update (5/5/99)-- Last Sunday, we saw RENT in Raleigh. Jean's comment: "u-er-hawhgeo- WOW. Just plain WOW."

Alright everybody my term as Evening Show Slacker President is coming to a close in August. The next president was not democratically picked but I am sure everyone will deal. Actually there are co-presidents for the next term, Jean Shepard (the co-owner of this page) and Shawna Jones (an original member). In following news, maintaining the main Evening Show Slacker business as well as organizing fun RENT activities for those in the NC area and just spreading the joy of RENT has gotten to be quite a tack. In response to this task I have decided to open up new offices and hold elections for these offices. So please e-mail us with your nominations. Once nominations are recieved we will notify the nominee and inform the of their pending duties and open the floor for campaigning and whatnot.

Are you worthy? Go find out!!
Go see who has been deemed worthy at the Evening Show Slackers Hall of Fame!!
talk to us.
Go home already!