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signs that you've seen too many times

Hey if you have more please send them to us....Let's see how long we can make this list!!!

1. Does the only thing you can do involve jumping over the moon- a leap of faith?
2. Are Christmas bells ringing in your head?
3. Do you feel the urge to go to Santa Fe often?
4. Do you like skintight vinyl pants?
5. Have you ever had to have your headphones surgically removed?
6. Is the first thought when you see long tables, "Hmm I wonder if we could do La Vie Boheme on these?"
7. Can you go a whole day speaking nothing but RENT lyrics?
8. Do you spend more time in line for rush tickets than you do at school?
9. Do you have a RENT Shrine?
      9a. Do you worship your RENT Shrine daily?
      9b. Do you make sacrifices to your RENT Shrine?
10. Do you find yourself wanting to create and consume a dish composed of "rice and beans and cheese" ~ Walrus
11. Are you an Evening Show Slacker? ~Srah
12. When in line at the market do you all of a sudden start singing "Only thing to do is jump.... over the moon"
18. When behind on your Rent you feel like going to Santa Fe!!!
19. Do you plan vacations around the touring companies schedules? 20. Do you long for Roger to light your Candle? ~Abbey Moore
21. Do you deliberately not pay your rent and have huuge house parties, just so that when they call you and your friends can bust out in "WERE NOT GONNA PAY!..." ~Mo
22. After seeing Trey Ellet in San Francisco, you injure yourself trying to jump onto a lunch table one day at school ~ Corrie
23. Do you document real life, when real life's getting more like fiction each day? ~ Lindsay Ratliff
24. Do you only drink Diet Coke when on a chat site cybering? ~ Lindsay Ratliff
25. Have you taken up playing the plastic pickle tub? ~ Brett Travis
26. Do you try and write one great song before you go? ~Ditchburn
27. Do you decide that Doogie Howser, MD wasn't that bad of a show just because you know that Neil-Patrick Harris plays Mark in the L.A. cast? ~
28. Though you already own the soundtrack, when you see it in a store, you feel a strong urge to buy it anyway ~
29. Your date forbids you from mentioning the show at all during during the prom ~
30. You call all you loved ones 'honeybear' or 'pookie' ~
31. do you figure in love? ~ Shannon
32. do you trust your soul? ~Shannon
33. every since puberty, has everybody stared at you? ~ Shannon 34. when you are in a fight with your boy/girlfriend you sing out the lyrics from take me of leave me! ~
35. Do you believe Jonathan Larson was god?
The following 13 are by DeAnna, Rachel and Rebecca 36. Do you think the RENT book is a bible?
37. Do you dream that you visited a place called cyberland and met a talking cow?
38. Do you name your hamburgers "Elsie"?
39. Do you have a cowbell hanging off your belt at all times?
40. Do you have seisances to talk to Angel? (and does she look good? Or was Mimi lying?)
42. At funerals, do you clutch your leather jacket?
43. Do you go to the Life Cafe with large groups of friends just to replicate what the RENT charecters orderded and see if the waiter repeates it back to you in tune?
44. Do you use up at least ten pairs of batteries a week listening to RENT on your discman?
45. Do you ever wonder if any of the charecters were EVER any good in bed? Except Mimi, since she's had lots of practice?
46. Have you ever wondered what Mark's scripts were about? (You know, the one's he was burning?)
47. Why does everyone call Muffy (Alison) Muffy?
48. Have you ever wondered why the first act, which takes place in one night, is longer then the second act, which takes place in almost a whole year?

Give us some more!!
Go home already!